Chapter 25

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The ride back to my apartment was relatively quiet. The streets of new york had settled down for the most part. The only thing that wasn't sound was my mind, it raced with thoughts of rage. HE always has to come into my life when things start to get better. The thought of him touching a hair on Bella's body filled me with searing hate. This feeling felt so foreign to me. The feeling of a welcoming warmth that can only be produced by a women's touch. Not just any women can produce this. It comes from a special place within her. There has only been one person who has made me feel this way. Her name was Emily, My mother. I don t talk about her a lot because deep down I don't want to believe she is gone. After almost a decade her and my father's death feel fresh in my mind. I pull into my parking garage and make my way inside.

I click the button on the elevator as slow music plays in the back. I stand in silence as I block out any negative thoughts. The doors open to a long hallway that leads to the only apartment on the floor. This was the safest place Bella and I could be at the moment. Every single one of my properties across the country is getting new security systems that I pulled from the feds. It may sound a bit ridiculous that a mafia boss works with the government but its quite common. The government isn't as straight forward as the people think. You could say it's very corrupt but at least it benefits me in the long run. The deal I have with them is that my work is kept a secret and Ill take anyone they need out.

I unlock the door and open it to only find an empty living room and quiet apartment. "Bella" I yell out but I get nothing in reply. "Bella!" I yell again and just like the first time I don't get anything in return. I run up the stairs into my room to find it the way it was this morning. I then run to her room to find the bed neatly made and everything tucked away, But I couldn't find her. My stomach drops as I feel all the color in my face rush away. My heartbeat quickens as I rush back down the stairs and rush to the kitchen. I freeze as I look towards the island where a very focused Bella is sitting with headphones in. she just types away at her computer not even noticing me. I walk over to her and pull the headphones off her head. she jumps in surprise letting out a scream.

"what the hel-" I cut her off before she could finish "Did you know that I've been calling you? You scared the shit out of me." I say giving her a glare only to get a goofy smile. she giggles as she turns toward me. "Oh, so the calm and collected Damien Knight was scared?" she says as her grin gets bigger. Embarrassment rushes to my face, Wait I'm embarrassed! I direct my attention to the large window that shows the gloomy skyline of New york. "What were you working on?" I say switching the topic of our very awkward conversation.

"I was finishing writing some emails" she says looking back down at her screen. I look to see a very well written email. I freeze as I see the name on the screen. It's like my world stops spinning. "Bella, what is that email for?" The words slip out before I can think. "Oh, it's this guy who has been looking into investing with my dad. You know my dad works in the medical and pharmaceutical industry. This guy here wants to help my dad with distribution of products for a partnership in return. From what I can see he has a good track record and he is a smart guy" she says with full confidence. My heart starts beating erratically. how could I let him slip in so easily?!

I grab onto the table to support my weight. "Damien are you okay?" Bella's sweet voice is hushed by the thumping in my ears. Flashbacks of that night pop back into my head. I had been diagnosed with PTSD after the death of my parents. I remember I had nightmares almost every night when I was a kid. To this day I sleep with a gun under my pillow. Alaric had almost no recollection of the incident. He somehow pushed it back in his mind, but I know over the past few years that has changed. He has major trust issues with people and doesn't let them in easily.

When I was younger anything triggered my flash backs. The sound of sirens, the smell of gun powder, and both the sound of a gun and the smell of blood where my triggers. Even the sound of screaming would set panic within me. I remember I wasn't able to hold a gun without crying till I was eighteen. Now I'm faced with this. I'm faced with the darkness that has clouded my consciousness since I was twelve.

I feel warm hands grab my face "Damien" the sweet voice yells out for me. Finally something snaps. All reality comes back but I'm filled with rage. "Don't send that email!" I yell grabbing the laptop off the island. Bella's face turns into full panic as I start to delete the email. "Damien stop what are you doing!" She screams at me as she try's to pry the laptop from my hands. I withstand her weak attempts of taking it from me. I block out her screaming and focus on deleting each word and every agreement. I wasn't about to let my world be thrown through another loop hole again.

He wouldn't come into my life and take away more of the people I care about. I was sick of being toyed with and the constant childish torment. I was going to make sure I made his life a living hell. Good luck...

Dimitri Giordano

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