Tony Stark

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I sat there in shock. I still couldn't really believe it that he was actually gone that he made the ultimate sacrifice. I wanted to scream but all I did was just sit there looking at the flowers float away.

Proof that Tony Stark has a heart. It was ridiculous, of course, he had a heart, I was proof of that. He is probably the best person I could ever know. Ever since the snap he quit working he spent more time with me, and then with both me and Morgan. I wish that I would have taken that more to my advantage. I loved him. Of course, he was my father.

But he was the one rock that I had in my life after the war after everything stopped, it was just Mom and Morgan, and I. So I watched it float away one of the last bits that I had from my father. He to protect me from the last war, I was fighting so hard and by the time that I got there, he was already gone. Honestly, at some points, I thought that he just wanted me to forget about my powers and just live a normal life, and I guess that's normal to want, but to be fairly honest I'm not a normal person.

Growing up with everyone: Steve, Bruce, Nat, Wanda, Thor, Viz, Happy, all of them are the reason why I am how I am today. Not because I was taken as a baby, of course, I knew that my father always blamed himself for coming out at Ironman because I thought that was the reason why I was taken from him.

He even got to the point where he was about to send me away with Happy to some farmhouse so that I can never be harmed again. Even at 5, I was damn well as strong-willed as my father is. Was. I looked around me seeing people that I haven't seen in 5 years all I wanted to do was to sit down and cry, I wanted to see my father again. I wanted to hug him.

I wanted him to tell me that it would be all right. that he wasn't really gone that it was just some bad dream and then take me and Morgan for juice pops after trying to get us not to tell Mom or wake up Mom at all.

But I knew it wasn't a dream. It was never going to happen again. I didn't know how hard I was crying until Morgan tugged down my hand, sad tears in her eyes. Just looking at her made me want to cry, even more, she was five, she's probably not even going to remember him. she knew that that was a hero, that something bad happened to him and he wasn't going to come back, I still don't know how I can't grasp it.

I keep waiting for him to come through the door and yell at us to go get hamburgers and stop crying our asses off. Not even to mention Aunt Nat. She raised me from the time that I was 6 along with my father and mom, with Clint, and Thor, and everyone else. So many people were all taken from me. A hand came to my shoulder and a comforting grip, so somewhere to the one that my father used to get to me, once I turned around I realize that it was Happy. He buried me into his chest with a soft look.

16. At sixteen, I have given up everything to serve others to help others just like my father has done. and I wasn't going to stop now. So with one last glance, I plastered a fake smile, rolled my shoulders back, looked up to the sky, and whispered words to my father, to Nat. He wasn't here anymore to protect us from all the from the publicity.

The front was gone. Steve was gone. The leaders at all left.

And of course, the decision they came up with wasn't the brightest one. They left a sixteen-year-old in charge of the world's mightest superheroes.

An orphan.


"Silver Shadow! Can we get a statement? Can we get a statement?" The yelling doesn't seem to cease. I knew that it was probably like this with Uncle Sam and Uncle Bucky, between us and Peter we were the only ones left.

Peter. I saw him at the funeral but I couldn't bring myself to talk to him. I was too broken to talk. I used to have a crush on him when I was little. When I was 11 and he was 16. The feeling started to resurface but in light of my father's death, I haven't thought too much about them.

The lights were so bright flashing on and off. The Press going insane. They wanted to know what was next. And I didn't blame them. I knew what I was supposed to do today, I just didn't want to do it.

It was as though in my head once I said it out loud once I sent it to the public it would be true. That my father would actually be dead. and for some reason, I couldn't get that into my head.

I felt suffocated under my mask. I already had way too much attention at school about my last name about my father, I didn't need it about Rogue.

Only a couple of people know about me being Rogue. and most of them are dead. So that was great.

"Silver Shadow!"

"What is your real name? Spiderman's name? Who will be the new iron man? The new Captain America?"

"How are the Avengers? Who will lead them?"

"What happens the light of the death of Iron Man."

"When will the next attack happen on our planet?"

"What is next for our world?"

"Do you have any comments on Tony Stark?"

"How will we be safe when so many have died?"

"Are you going to be the next Tony Stark?"

Tony Stark.

Tony Stark.

Tony Stark.

The last one was probably the one that broke me. The front that I had on myself became stronger, a version of what my father's used to be. I stood forward trying to make myself seem serious not just a 5'2" 16-year-old.

"No. I will not be the next Tony Stark. Tony Stark was not just a front, a title like Iron Man. He was a real person, as real as every single one of you here. There will not be another Tony Stark, because he-" I swallowed trying to keep my voice from wavering, I couldn't show anything other than confidence.

"Tony Stark is dead. So is Natasha Romanoff. They died so that the rest of us could live in prosperity. He left behind his family, his wife, his daughters. Everyone needs to greave. Everyone needs to cope. Even superheroes. Especially us, because we are all human- wait, scratch that, Most of us are human, and even if some aren't, they still need to cope too. We have been through hell. Yet, we are still here, because we have people like Tony Stark and Natasha Romanoff. Black Widow and Iron Man ensured our safety, and if it came down to it, I would like to think that I would make the same choice. So I am going to ask you all, to mourn. I am not asking as Silver Shadow, I am asking as a woman who has lost some of the most important people in her life within a span of 2 days. Mourn for those who have been lost, and celebrate those who came back. As for the Avengers. I will be taking the initiative, it is not a choice that was made lightly. Steve Rogers and Tony Stark came to that conclusion months ago, they just hoped that it wouldn't be this soon. And believe me, I was shocked, to say the least when I read the letter, but for now, I want you to know that we are going to get through this."

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