Water Monster

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Pushing Ned in front of me I ran leaving Peter behind, but only for a second. Ducking into the nearest store I rushed everyone to get out before stripping off my shorts and then my shirt. As soon as I did I touched both of the bracelets on my wrists together.

Metallic scales covered my body not only protecting my identity but also protecting me from any possible wounds, well mostly. It was cool against my skin and I almost thanked god that I didn't wear anything too hard to get off today.

If this thing isn't waterproof I am going to have some serious hard drive issues after this is done. Dropping my backpack down before the rest of the scales covered me I ran out of the store. As soon as the suit covered my whole body I started off.

Parts of buildings were broken off scattered all over the place as many other people ran but fell repetitively.

The main walking bridge in front of me had to have hundreds of people on it as I watched the creature drew nearer to it. Using my powers to speed myself I used my silver mist to carry me to the front of the tower then set a span of it along with the tower as a protection of sorts. Once I turned around I noticed that Peter was right behind me, maskless. He was going to out himself to the world.

"Put those on, Parker." I pointed to one of those Italian masks, I tried to say it in a deeper voice as I held out the force field. A green light shot out at the creature only making it madder than it was before.

I looked up to the sky and saw a man that was surrounded in some sort of green mist flying down to the creature before hitting another strike. Striking again lower this time I left the post where I was standing with a force field and aimed for lower. I struck it once again but it threw out an arm causing me to have to jerk back to not get into his line of direction falling down on the boardwalk.

The green man threw his hands out once again this time getting closer and closer to the thing but once again it dragged its hand over the man and sent him flying into the water. Trudging myself back up I threw my power at the creature making it take a jerk back only to get a face full of water in return before I could reflect it.

I had to give it to the green guy, he didn't give up. Strike after the strike. I heard him yell something before I saw someone swinging back and forth in the north direction.

I followed after the green guy knowing that it would probably work best if worked together. Coasting next to him I saw the damage that the thing was causing trying to get to Peter, creating a small protection field around him I let it stay up until he got nearer. The nearer that it got to dry land the smaller it became, once I had a clear line of sight I sent a huge strike causing it to crash down. Hit after hit I could tell that it was taking a toll on the big water dude. But also it was taking its toll on myself.

I threw myself in closer and aimed for the middle of his water body, it was successful but in an attempt to get away I was sent backward until my back collided with the building, with such force that I wouldn't be surprised if it left a crack on the wall.

"Now, I'm pissed," I muttered under my breath as I stood up and walked towards the middle of the courtyard halfway limping. During the middle of one of the strikes, I let my hands raise up, picking up every piece of debris and brick that was on the ground, with a strong push I sent it forward followed by a long burst of my power.

At the same time that I did it, the green man did as well sending his same amount of energy, green intertwining with silver. Giving it one final push I surrounded the area with my power before collapsing it all down as the Green guy probably did the same.

Once the thing fell, it was almost as if it could be heard from miles away by the huge roar that it gave out.

The green guy slowly floated down in front of me.

"Pleasure, Greenie." I held my hand out to him in a show of respect and appreciation but it was kind of undercut by the whole Greenie part.

"Pleasure is all mine." And within that moment he saluted the people around us who were now cheering.

He wasn't the only one who could make a dramatic exit. No. Wait. I was pretty sure I broke my back. Flying all of a couple of feet around the corner of the square out of view of anyone I ducked into a shop.

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