The Past ~ ♪

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- Your POV -

Birds circled the sky as the sun showered through the peer of the leaves. Leaves carefully drifting through the warm air and landing on the slightly wet grass as if they were gently placed there by a hand.

You, Ellie and Joel were stumbling through the woods as carefully as possible, you wouldn't want to attract any infected as you were near a cliff and didn't feel like saving Ellie from drowning in the water at the bottom of the cliff...again

The three of you kept silent, except for the occasional 'stop that' from Joel due to Ellie stepping on every single leaf in her sight so she could hear the satisfying crunch she so desperately loved

" kids stay right here, I'll go make sure nobody's up ahead" Joel said in his thick southern accent as he pulled out a crow bar from his back pack and hastily dawdled in front of us, which left you and Ellie alone

No conversation was sparked between you and the red headed teen, a couple minutes went by and the only sound that was heard was the steps you two made along the dead grass

"Hey uh..I just wanted to say, Thanks for saving me back there" Ellie spoke quietly, refusing to make eye contact with you, she seemed..shy which is nothing like the Ellie you know

"Yeah, no problem" You replied to her while peering at her lime green eyes that had made contact with yours as soon as you spoke. Your conversation with her was referring to when you had shot a clicker that was a couple seconds away from biting her, once again

You two had a...complicated relationship, you would've never doubted your relationship with her until what happened with her after the David situation

- Flashback -
"Hey Ellie, you okay?" After what had just happened, Joel trusted you to take her back to the small house that the three of you had been staying at while he took care of the remainders of David's group
"..yeah" She spoke very quietly, even you could barely hear her

After all the time you both had spent together on your journey, you had drawn close to eachother
"Listen Ellie.." You stopped walking and turned to face her, she suddenly stopped and faced you, despite her not making eye contact as she found the ground very interesting

"I care about you and I want you to feel safe and comfortable speaking to me, but you need to let me in and trust me!"
You slightly raised your voice and furrowed your eyebrows after speaking to her

She stayed silent and the atmosphere  had drastically changed. She looked down at the ground and stepped forward. You gently lifted your palm to her face and stroked her cheek as she leaned into your touch, becoming comfortable being so close to you

"Ellie.." You spoke as softly and quietly as possible. She peaked up at your soft features with glossy eyes
You both made eye contact for roughly a minute before she seemed to lean in a bit closer. Her breath fanning your lips as your eyes had trouble focusing on her eyes..but seemed to shift to her lips

You both lean in a bit closer, before closing your eyes as well as the gap between you two. You both were so innocent and young and had no experience whatsoever. As much as you both wanted to stay in the moment and as close as possible, air was something you needed to survive. You both pulled away hesitantly and gazed into each others eyes with a small blush on not only your cheeks, but hers also

You both decided to continue with your walk back to the house, very quietly and awkwardly

- Flashback over -

You two had never spoken about that moment. You both showed minor signs of affection towards eachother like forehead kisses, hand holding, playful flirting and the occasional compliment, but never declared your relationship anything more than friends

How did things change so fast?
Why were you spilt front the pair?
"You can't save her" Marlene spoke breathing heavily
"Even if you get out of here. Then what? How long until she's torn apart by a pack of clickers? That is if she hasn't been r(TW)ed and murdered first." She explained with anger in her octaves. Her eyes making uncomfortable eye contact with Joel
You awkwardly stood beside Joel as he held Ellie is his arms bridal style

"That ain't for you to decide" Joel spoke firmly
"It's what she'd want..." Marlene said, you swore you could hear a tint of guilt in her voice, it pained Marlene to be holding a gun to Joel
Another uncomfortable silence enveloped you and the others..

"And you know it.." She said following up to her other statement
" can still do the right thing here.." She said why shaking her head with furrowed eye brows and slowly spreading her arms, the gun now pointing towards an unknown direction
"She won't feel a thing.."
You looks at her with fear and anger-she had the intention of taking Ellie away from you..

Marlene stalked towards Joel. You were about to pull out your gun until the sound of a bullet being released filled the air...he had shot Marlene

She struggled on the ground in a pool of her own growing blood
"Wait!" She rasped
"Let me go..please" she pleaded

After what she said, her words sunk into Joel's mind..that gave Marlene enough time to kick her gun towards her form and shoot me—

She shot me
It felt like everything was in slowmotion as the bullet shot through your shirt and into your shoulder.
The only thing you could hear was the thud your body made as it hit the floor. Along with a very loud gunshot and somebody yelling your name..over and over again
You felt yourself being lifted a bit and a couple drops of water falling on your face..were they tears?
You opened your eyes slowly and looked up towards Joel
"(Y/n)! Get up! The other fireflies are coming!" He said quickly with multiple tears rolling down his face, gracefully falling onto yours
"Joel-" you tried to speak
"(Y/n)! C'mon-"
"JOEL!!-" You yelled despite the pain you felt in your shoulder
"This is it..go"
"What-?! No! I can't-"
"Joel..please. Take Ellie far away, make sure she's safe..for me" Your voice rasped
Joel seemed to tremble in thought before looking back at you with pain clear in his eyes.
He leaned down and pressed a small kiss to your forehead, he had lost another child he dearly cared about

"Love you, Kiddo"
He chocked our before setting you down gently. He proceeded to pick up Ellie and ignore the gun shots being heard from the other fireflies and focus on the tears streaming down his face...
He feared the moment that he had to tell Ellie that you were gone..
Another best friend, gone
Another possible love interest, gone


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