She's Fixed ~ ♪

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"I give up!!!"
You yelled in a very loud voice.
"Okay okay..chill, I'll show you again"
Ellie said while chuckling at your childlike behaviour.

So- what is going on right now you ask? Well, after Ellie had shown you to your new shared cabin, you had made a bet that you were much better at playing the guitar than she was. Ellie of course thought of this at a competition and had to win like she always does.

After trying to play a song to prove your point- Ellie had taken this as an opportunity to teach you how to actually play.

"Here, Place your hand here and seperate your fingers..right here" Ellie guided your hands so they correctly fit the right chord

You slowly and hesitantly glided your hand over the guitar chords creating a nice and low sound
"I did it!!" You said in excitement, the corners of your eyes had crinkled up in the process of your large smile and you bounced on the plush couch in happiness

Ellie loves seeing you like this. She loved seeing you overall, it had been so long..
As you continued to strum the chords you had previously learnt on Ellie's guitar, Ellie just silently started at you- not in a weird way!! She just started at you in adoration

You were home

- Joel POV -

I had just got off my duty with Tommy and Maria and was heading towards my cabin to finally get some sleep.

On my way there I couldn't help but think of how far I've come, I don't wanna sound narcissistic but I was proud of myself.

I thought everything would've gone to absolute shit when I had to let Sarah go..
But than I met (Y/N) and than Ellie, they'll never replace Sarah, but both those girls give me comfort and fill the whole in my heart that Sarah once did.

I decided to check on the girls since they came to mind. I walked to their now shared cabin and directed my attention towards each step I made and watched the ice underneath me crunch with the pressure my boot added to it.

Once I reached my destination , I heard gentle giggles from within the cabin. I leant down and placed my ear on the door to listen in

"Oh my go- I can't do this!!"
I hear (Y/n) sigh in annoyance and anger Cleary showing in her voice.
"Calm down-! Be patient, it's not that hard.." I hear a more masculine and low voice reply, must be Ellie, since the voice had chuckled in that sentence I could tell it was her since she's always so sarcastic

I hear (Y/n) continue complaining to Ellie and both of them ended up laughing, I smiled to myself knowing that Ellie would finally be able to sleep without me reassuring that there is still a meaning towards her life

I softly walk away from the cabin and towards my own to get some well deserved rest, gently grinning as I can hear the faint giggles from the cabin as I walk away.

I'm sorry if this undate is short! I'll update again soon!
If there's anything you would specifically like to happen next chapter, let me know!<3

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