I Missed you ~ ♪

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- Your POV -

Joel and I had been walking for what felt like hours— being the lazy person I am, we had to take multiple breaks

But..here we are.
We had made it to Jackson, out front of the small city gate entrance was a women who I thought I'd never see again, Tommy's wife Marina.
She had comforted me during rough times with my nightmares of loss.

"Look who I found!" Joel chuckled and raised his voice in a very happy manner. Tommy and Maria had turned around and looked at me, it took a couple of seconds before their brains clicked.

Marina ran up to me as fast as she could with excitement
"(Y/n)!!!!" She yelled and pulled me into her arms. I replied back with a shreak as she pulled me into her arms. Marina was like the mother I never had, so you can imagine I was excited to see her after 5 years!

She pulled away and held my face in her hands,
"You've grown so much..you're gorgeous!!" She exclaimed making me shy and untangle myself from her grasp. She backed away to let Tommy see me, as soon as his wife had moved. He swooped in and hugged me, I was very close with Tommy and Marina, I thought of them as my parent replacements, along with Joel

As Tommy pulled away he smiled gently as Joel who had a very proud look on his face. I had explained my journey to them and they showed me around.

"Ellie's going to FLIP!! When she sees you" Marina yelped as she clung to my arm, I shyly smiled and shuffled my feet in place a bit.
Marina smirked at me and I silently gasped knowing what she was thinking..
"Ellie's going to be impressed, Look at house much you've 'matured'" She sent a wink my way and I hit behind Joel, who chuckled along with Tommy at my reaction.

When standing next to Joel and hiding from Maria, a big but cute looking dog had begun sniffing me. I laughed as they licked me and continued giggling due to my ticklish-ness

"Oh my god! Joel! You should've seen the bloater that I-" I heard a familiar voice speak, except it was more mature and masculine..was that Ellie??

I slowly stood up from petting the dog and turned around. I saw a very- VERY attractive and masculine red headed female standing a bit away from Joel, Tommy, Marina and I.

Her eyes were wide and her mouth was agape. She closed her mouth and gulped.
"(Y/n)? Is that y-?"
She stopped mid way her sentence.

I nodded my head in approval, tears pricking in the corners of my eyes.
She gasped and a tear slipped down her cheek as she ran to me.
Once she had reached me, she picked me up and hugged me as tight as ever. Her familiar sent took over me as she wrapped her arms around my waist, she gently lifted me up and my legs automatically wrapped around her figure.

We stayed like that for around 10 minutes before I untangled my legs from her waist and she put me down. She finally had time to look me up and down- I had changed a lot appearance wise.
My waist was smaller, Chest larger, Thighs larger and I had grown very attractive. I chuckled nervously as she looked me up and down.

She then leant down to hug me again and places her head on my shoulder, "You're breathtaking.."
Ellie whispered with a chuckle and smirk. I gulped and she chuckled once again at my reaction.

Joel had cleared his throat causing us to look at him.
"Glad to see you two are getting along" He says with his very apparent accent. Ellie once again just smirked at him and I giggled shyly.

"Ellie, we're running short on rooms. You mind if (y/n) rooms with you?" Tommy spoke up, oh no- I bet Marina requested that I stay with Ellie DAMN

"It's all good, she can stay with me" The red head says as she sneaks her hand around my waist and grips my hip.

Tommy nods at her and rolls his eyes at his wife's suggestive look.
"Mind showing (y/n) your room? I've gotta go on patrol with Marina and Joel" Tommy ponders...I'm going to be alone..with Ellie?? O h  g o s h

Ellie just simply nods and tightens her grip on my hip. Tommy smiles and holds Marinas hand as they walk off towards the entrance gate.
Joel once again, comes towards me and opens up his arms, I gently hug him as I feel Ellie's hand slowly leave my waist.

Joel lets go if me and nods at me before walking towards the direction Tommy and Marina went. I feel someone grasp my hand and turn me around, I come face to face with Ellie. She smiles as me and I return it.

"C'mon, I'll show you to my- our room" She informs me as she caresses my hand firmly.
"Sounds good" I reply with a smile and intertwine my hand with hers, we make eye contact and gaze at eachother in adoration.

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