Jealous? ~ ♪

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"You nervous?"
The red headed teen suddenly asks.
You slight shriek at her sudden spark of small talk and let her words sink in before replying.

"I..I guess, I'm just concerned about what they'll think of me.."
You fiddle with your fingers while staring at your lap. Ellie glances at your lap and notices your change in behaviour, you both had known each other for so long that she had grown familiar to your slightly strange coping mechanisms.

Ellie just calmly picks your hands up from your lap and bring them towards her face, causing you to direct your attention towards her actions.
She slowly starts kissing your knuckles and forms eye contact with you before placing your hands back down.
She always had done this in the past when things were a bit stressful for you.

- flash back -

You and Ellie had been left in a small shelter that had once belonged to Sam and Henry..they both had just passed away.
Joel had gone to make sure no fire flys were outside or any infected were roaming around, he always just made extra precautions sometimes, which left you and the petite girl alone.

You both sat on the ground in silence, you were sitting directly next to the dead body of Henry. Blood still leaking out of his recently shot head. You couldn't help but notice how peaceful and lifeless his body looked, yes, he may be laying in a pool of his own blood and a bullet in his skull, but he still looked oddly...calm- obviously, I mean he is dead.

Ellie sat a small distance away from you, still shocked and speechless about the events that had just occurred. The silence between you both wasn't awkward, nor was it comfortable.
You were thinking about how you had just lost another friend..first Tess and now Sam and Henry..
What if you lost Joel or Ellie next..
You couldn't help but let those thoughts envelope your mind.

You hadn't noticed that Ellie had crawled over to where you were sitting and was now holding one of your hands. You slowly looked back at her, her eyes showed many emotions, one of the many emotions was concern.

You didn't need to say anything, your facial features already expressed how you felt. Ellie just silently picked up both of your hands and cradled them before pecking at each of your knuckles. This odd behaviour shown by Ellie had weirdly calmed you down and made you feel safe.

She continued holding your hands and rested your intertwined fingers in your lap. She glanced down at your lips and your eyes over and over again. You shift your attention towards what her eyes started at.

Before making a gentle move,
Joel had knocked on the door-
"C'mon kids, time to go"
He said in his rough accent, not bothering to come inside the old shelter.

You both looked at each other, both confused about what feelings you had just experienced for eachother.
You both gently let go of each other's hands and rise from your sitting position.

You see Ellie out of the corner of your eye, push the door open before walking out without hesitation. You take one last glance at Henry and Sam before smiling sadly at their oddly calm, lifeless bodies before following Ellie's actions.

- Flash back over -

"(Y/n), I'm sure they'll love you,"
Ellie begins, still containing eye contact with you.
"I've known Jesse and Dina for a long time, They're really nice..Trust me"
She finishes off, her eyes showed sincerity when she said the words-
" Trust me "

You smiled at her words before happily nodding your head
"I trust you!"
You beamed out in excitement.

Ellie smiled once more before Turing her attention towards the door that had just opened,
The door way introduced 3 figures..

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