Ah shit ~ ♪

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That photos me.. HDJFNG-
Anyway!! Sorry for not updating, I just got out of my phsyc ward and I had no desire to write!<3

No words left my dry mouth, I simply just hastily waddled my way towards the door and indulged Ellie in my arms. She was quick to react and gently returned the hug. Her arms wrapped around me in the soft aroma of the air, the feeling of her thumbs grazing and swiping against my back.

I break away from the hug and gaze at her. Her emerald eyes that showed so much more emotion compared to the last time you had seen them, they were clouded with fear and anger when you were impaled by those..feral freaks? You started at her as if you were counting each and everyone of the small freckles that littered her anatomy.

A small grin plasters Ellie's face and she raises a hand to cup your cheek, thumb occasionally brushing underneath your eye as if she were wiping tears. Only, there were none.

"Y/n, I..I'm so sorry.."
The grin was quick to leave her face as she drops not only her hand, but her head, hanging as if she had failed and felt extreme disappointment within.

"Hey, hey, hey-"
You repeat in a soft spoken voice, still raspy due to not consuming and water for the past..how ever long you have been out.

"I failed to look after you..I promised myself that..that what ever I did, I'd always make sure you came first.."
Her voice growing with determination, but at the same time guilt littered her words.

"Ellie, I was acting recklessly. I didn't watch out like I should have. It's my fault.. don't put the blame on you because we both know it was my fault."
You tried your best to persuade her and try and make her feel at least an ounce of pressure lifted off her.
Luckily, she didn't seem to reply, she only lifted her head and let her eyes shift to your own.

The moment was calm.
Just the two of you, standing in eachothers close, but distant, embrace. You had no intention on moving until she was stable once again.

Her eyes seemed to hastily flicker to your lips every now and again. You held back a smirk when you realized the meaning behind this unintentional action. If there was a meaning, after all, you were nothing more that friends..right?

Leaning in carefully, you came to a holt when your lips her practically millimeters away, just to tease her. When you were tired teasing her, filling in the gap between you too became your priority..

..until she sealed your lips for you.
The action wasn't new at all, both of you had kissed multiple times. Even gone so far as having small make out sessions..by accident. But somehow, the feeling of your lips pressed against hers felt so new?

Although the feeling was unfamiliar to you, you quickly remembered how intoxicating this feeling was.
Ellie's lips against yours.
Who knew that it took once kiss to cause so much pleasure to one person.

Being so close to her and having your lips against hers with no hesitation was like a drug, you needed it. And when you started, you couldn't stop.

You were addicted to Ellie Williams.

Although- unfortunately..
..a little voice in your head reminds you that if you go only a couple seconds more..you could end up on the ground, unconscious, due to lack of breathe.

So you decided against falling limp on the ground, as you have no desire to be asleep for any longer than you have, and you peel yourself off of Ellie.

Your lips swollen and slightly parted, panting as if you hadn't inhaled in years..well..you practically haven't, you were too busy making out wit—

A low and southern voice speaks.
You jump at the voice and turn towards the door frame that you were so desperately making out with Ellie next to.

Joel shifts his gaze towards you, then proceeds to glance at Ellie. Wandering what he could've been thinking, you turn around to Ellie.

Her lips were swollen and her hair was a lot more..out of place, than usual. The collar of her shirt slight crumpled due to you unknowingly gripping it harshly.

Joel lets a smirk slip onto his face before nodding towards the hall way he was in.

"C'mon kiddo, let (y/n) get some rest."
He slightly chuckles at the small jump Ellie makes before nodding at him. She glances at you before turning towards the door way and pushing past Joel. Joel says a couple things that you couldn't make out before leaving, you were too fixated on the look Ellie gave you..

- Your POV -

She looked hurt, but confused..

Ah shit-

I think I fucked up the only good friend ship I had with someone..
Because I couldn't keep my fucking feeling under control..

Well done.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2020 ⏰

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