Chapter 11

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It had turned out that a life of solitude was not something that Alviva enjoyed. She wanted nothing more than to spend her days around people, even if she would have to leave them after about a decade. Her haven in the woods had turned into a prison, keeping her safe from those who wished to hurt her, but keeping her bound from interacting with anyone except the woodland creatures that would scamper off upon seeing her.

But whispers were in the air, spreading further than just the neighboring village. A myth passed from traveler to traveler of a woman residing in the woods - a spirit, a witch, a sorceress - no one ever agreed on what exactly she was. But it did not take long for the village to be convinced that she was dangerous. And many simply wished to see if the ethereal beauty truly existed.

And thus a mob was formed, angry villagers storming through the dense woods as the sun painted soft colors across the sky. Alviva could find solace in these moments, even though the large trees blocked out most of the majesty of the sun's brushwork. That quickly changed when she heard the loud footfalls and sounds of chatter approaching from the East.

Power swirled around here hands on instinct, fear settling within her. No one ventured this far into the woods, she knew that those approaching her were not friendlies. But her power flickered out when she wondered if they were just perhaps lost. Surely she could not kill innocent travelers simply because they wandered upon her sanctuary.

But as the mob came into view, hurling insults and accusations at her with angry eyes lit by the raging flames of their torches, she knew that she should never have doubted her survival instincts. Desperate to protect herself from their hastily thrown together armory of arrows, hunting knives, and firearms, she threw balls of her power at her attackers.

Still, she wished little harm upon them so she decided to flee, tears in her eyes as she watched her home, no matter how prison-like it had become, become consumed by flames.


(Olivia's POV):
Loki's words rattled around in my head and it felt like walls were converging around me. I should have realized that he had ulterior motives, otherwise he would have never opened up to me like that. I had been the fool to assume that he was warming up to me.

"So this was all just a test?" The words slipped from my lips laced with betrayal as anger swirled up in the pit of my stomach.

"Liv, I did not mean it like that-"

"Why couldn't you just let your suspicions go? If I had powers and refused to tell you about them, then I would assume that I would have a very good reason for keeping them hidden! Here I was feeling sorry for you, but you were just using me!"

"Liv, just tell me what you are, maybe I can help you refine your powers."

I knew that he thought he was offering a peace offering, but it just angered me further and I knew that if I lost any more control over my emotions then I was going to do something that I would regret. Hoping to avoid that nasty outcome, I pushed Loki away from me and growled, "I don't want to refine my powers, I want them gone."


"Please just go, Loki. I clearly don't want you here."

He opened his mouth to argue again, but then closed it upon realizing that speaking would only make matters worse. I caught the quick flash of hurt that passed through his eyes that were typically alight with mischief, but I couldn't apologize for hurting him. Nor did should I, he had done this to himself.

As he stood to leave, he took one of the plates that were resting on my bed that I hadn't noticed. He nodded to the other one, "I made dinner. I don't know if it's any good, but I followed a midgardian recipe."

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