Chapter 25

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Livy was exhausted from running, from hiding, but she did what she needed to do. She tried to pretend to have a normal life. She dated, she worked, she moved when she got too attached or she had remained in one place for too long. And she could not help but wonder what all of this was for. What was the point of living if she was only merely existing?

It was freezing in Siberia, but it allowed her to lay low for a while before returning to the city. She was too afraid to remain in the same country or even in a similar sized town for long, afraid that someone would be able to predict her movements and the next time she escaped capture, they would know exactly where she was fleeing to.

The world was becoming more connected and it meant she had to be more careful. She tried her best to avoid cameras, to keep out of the public eye. But that was hard to do, especially when she was being tracked by one of the most powerful organizations on Earth.

Johann Schmitt had heard rumors of a creature like her from the past, a myth that he took great stock in. Reports of an angel like her had splattered the pages of history. But he knew she was no angel, she was the future of HYDRA. A woman born for battle, born to bring victory to whomever she served.

And while he died before he could lay his hands on her, he passed his obsession down to Wilfred Malick, who had both the resources and the drive to finally capture this angel.


(Olivia's POV):
Loki had answered the door with a look of annoyance and anger imprinted upon his face, but it faded into confusion upon seeing me in the hallway. I thought I had seen a flicker of concern, but I was sure that it was simply my mind playing tricks on me. He leaned against the doorframe and crossed his arms in front of his chest, raising his eyebrow.

"Look who has come to pay me a visit after all of this time. I thought you wanted me out of your life? Or did you mean only you could decide when and where we would meet, desiring me at your mercy." His words were cold, causing a chill to run down my spine. I knew I had hurt him and now he flung that in my face, but I needed his help and would have to deny the guilt surging up if I were to get answers.

He often acted as though he were heartless and now it was time for me to do that same. "Enough with your games, Loki. I need to speak with you, I have an urgent question."

"What could possibly be so pressing that you came crawling back to me for help? I thought I had shaken up your life enough."

"Loki, please."

He was not expecting me to plead, that much was evident in his expression. It worried him, even though I knew he was trying to mask it. He gave a nod and allowed me into his apartment, closing the door behind us. I took a moment to take in my surroundings, surprised to find paintings that seemed to be of his work, and the bright colors splashed across the modern decor. It felt disjunct, both seeming to be Loki's taste and the opposite at the same time.

"You are awfully quiet for someone who has such an urgent question," Loki noted, his disguise shimmering away to reveal his normal form as he grabbed two glasses and a bottle of whiskey.

Heat rushed to my cheeks, "I was just admiring these paintings, I suppose they are part of your cover."

He nodded, "now, would you mind telling me what it is you need so that I may go back to bed?"

I approached him hesitantly, accepting the drink he was offering me. After taking a sip of the alcohol, hoping that it would calm my nerves, I spoke, "Heimdall."

An eyebrow raised, "well I see that someone has been doing their research, but I am afraid that that wasn't much of a question, my dear."

"I didn't find out about him from research. Thor told me."

"Thor? Why has he been speaking with you?" The questions came out almost accusatory as Loki's eyes lit ablaze with jealousy.

I sighed, "he has been coming by the apartment every now and then to check up on me."

"So you are happy to let him into your life, yet you push me away," Loki managed to keep his voice smooth and indifferent, despite the notes of anger flaring up occasionally. He advanced on me as he spoke, leaving his drink forgotten on the counter. "I am starting to think there was more to your decision to kick me out than fear that I would bring you too much attention."

As Loki stepped closer, I tried to maintain the distance between us by backing away. "I could not send Thor away, I feared that it would appear too abnormal. No midgardian who is sound of mind and attracted to men would tell someone like Thor to stay out of their life."

"Then you believe him to be better than me?"

"I do not care about either of you, I just wish my life would go back to normal! I just want to forget-" I cut off, afraid that after managing to remain tight-lipped for so long, this one meeting would cause me to spill all of my secrets to Loki.

But he pressed the subject, managing to back me into a wall, "forget what? What was so terrible in your life that you fear your powers being found out? What did they do to you when you were caught? Did they chain you up, make you their prisoner? No, you would not fear something as trivial as that. The man you loved, did they kill him? Or did your powers do that?"

"You know nothing about me," I hissed through clenched teeth, my eyes darting around for a way to escape my proximity. "Tell me about Heimdall."

"Do you really think I would just give up information for free?"

"Fine. Name your price then let me go." I tried to make my words sound as though they came from a place of bravery, but the pitch had raised a tone and revealed how nervous I was.

Loki's lips upturned into a wicked grin, "you would let me have whatever I want? This is quite fun. Shall I force you to tell me more about your past and what sort of powers you possess? Or should I simply take you?"

He ran his hand up my arm, the fleeting touch causing my body to ache for him despite my brain still frantic for a way out. His hand came to a stop beneath my chin, tilting it up so that my eyes were forced to make contact with his.

"No, I need not waste my favor on bedding you. For now I see that you are already mine," Loki cooed, his voice quiet yet piercing nonetheless.

I turned my head, breaking eye contact with him while simultaneously tearing my chin away from his touch, "I belong to no one." It was a feeble lie that I was desperate to convince myself of, but his warm breath fanning over me and the gentle press of his body against mine was driving me insane.

I did not need to see his face to know that mischief was alight in his eyes nor that his lips were spread into a triumphant smirk. He had me and he knew it, he knew the minute that he put his lips on mine I would not refuse. But instead, he snaked his arm around my waist, pulling us impossibly close. A small moan escaped my lips though I tried to suppress it.

That was his assurance that I was not going to stop him, no matter what logic I tried to use to stop my body from craving his touch. He closed the space between our lips, immediately waging war on my mouth. My eyes fluttered closed as I let him slip his tongue into my mouth, dancing around it with my own. Passion and pleasure shuddered through me as his hand around my waist traveled down to rest on my ass and I began to wonder how something so wrong could feel so right.

This was the man who had invaded my planet, whether he had done it willingly or not. He was a dangerous fugitive whom the Avengers were looking for. Since capture, my only goal in life was to keep who I was hidden, yet here I was willing to lay everything bare for this irresistible man.


(A/N): Things are heating up in Loki's apartment! But at least they're together again, for however long that lasts! I hope that you enjoyed this chapter, I actually had to split it up into two because it was insanely long when I first wrote it, whoops.

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