Chapter 58

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(Liv's POV):
"I will tell father what you did here today," the actor playing Thor spoke sincerely, grasping actor Loki's dying body.

"I didn't do it for him." The words came out of Loki's mouth first, then echoed by the actor.

I glanced over at him as the play came to the end, admiring how relaxed he seemed. There were hundreds of Asgardians watching his life story unfold but he just lay there, hidden in plain view in his Odin disguise, eating grapes. He had grown so much and I was incredibly proud of him.

I stood and applauded like everyone else as the players took their bows, although I still wished that Loki had taken a few of my suggestions in revising the play. Still, I was happy that he was getting honored, even if it was Loki honoring himself.

"Father." I whipped my head around upon hearing Thor's voice and Loki seemed just as shocked as I.

My hand immediately went to the hilt of my sword as Loki muttered, "oh shit," quickly composing himself and turning to the crowd. "My son, Thor, has returned! Greetings, my boy."

"It's an interesting play, what's it called?" Thor wondered, his voice laced with suspicion. I knew immediately that he knew Loki wasn't actually Odin, somehow he must have figured it out.

But Loki continued with his charade, "The Tragedy of Loki of Asgard. The people wanted to commemorate him."

"Ah, indeed they should. I like the statue. A lot better looking than he was when he was alive, though. A little less weaselly, less greasy, maybe. Wouldn't you say, Liv?"

I tensed up when Thor spoke to me, but tried to hide my discomfort. "Well, I think you would know my answer to that, Thor. I loved Loki and would give anything to have the real, breathing one with me today instead of a golden replica. So I'd have to disagree with you and say his beauty was not completely captured by the statue."

Thor's lips upturned into a small smile before turning to the giant object he was carrying, "do you know what this is?"

"Oh, the skull of Surtur. That's a formidable weapon," Loki admired, probably grateful that the conversation had moved away from himself. Although I still had a nagging feeling that it was going to come back around to Loki and Thor would reveal that he knew that he was not dead.

Thor turned to a member of the Einherjar, "do me a favor, lock this away in the vault so it doesn't turn into a giant monster and destroy the whole planet."

As Thor turned away, Loki stood from his seat, "so, it's, um, back to Midgard for you, is it?"

"Nope," Thor replied, tossing Mjolnir into the air. "I've been having this reoccurring dream lately. Every night I see Asgard fall into ruins."

Loki, he knows, I thought to him and he gave almost an imperceptible nod in response. Still he tried to ween Thor off of his suspicions by talking his way out of it, "that's just a silly dream, signs of an overactive imagination."

"Possibly. But then I decided to go out there and investigate. And what do I find, but the nine realms completely in chaos. Enemies of Asgard assembling, plotting out demise, all while you, Odin, the protector of those nine realms, are sitting here in your bathrobe, eating grapes."

"Yes, well, it is best to respect our neighbor's freedom."

"Yes, of course, the freedom to be massacred." Thor threw Mjolnir passed Loki's ear, causing the crowd to gasp. I tightened my grip on my sword and wondered why the Einherjar was not doing the same, Thor was blatantly threatening the King.

"Yes, besides, I've been rather busy myself-" Loki started, trying to seem unaffected by Thor's actions.

"Watching theatre."

"Well, board meetings, security council meetings-"

Thor's eyes narrowed, "you're really going to make me do it?"

"Do what?" Loki feigned ignorance so Thor threw Mjolnir into the distance then grabbed the back of Loki's neck.

"You know nothing will stop Mjolnir as it returns to my hand," Thor spoke, holding tightly to Loki, despite his attempts to free himself. "Not even your face."

"You've gone quite mad, you'll be executed for this."

"Then I'll see you on the other side." Thor leaned in and almost whispered, "brother."

"Thor, let him go, this is treason," I warned, pulling my sword on him, and eyeing Mjolnir as it began its journey back.

He smirked at me, "oh, I think you know very well that this is not treason. In fact, it's what he did that was treason, aren't I correct, Loki?"

I held my breath, waiting for Loki to confess, but grew nervous as the hammer came closer. I was about to run into the path of Mjolnir, to take the blow myself, when Loki finally let his disguise shimmer away and cried out, "alright I yield!"

The scattered sounds of surprise that rippled through the crowd confused me. Had they all guessed that Odin was actually Loki all this time? I mean, he was not very subtle about it, but still I was expecting a better reaction that this.

"Behold!" A booming voice spoke as Skurge ran into the crowd. "Thor Odinson-"

"No." Loki cut him off with a finger, then turned wildly on him, "you had one job, just the one."

"Where's Odin?" Thor demanded, threatening Loki with Mjolnir.

"You just couldn't stay away could you? Everything was fine without you. Asgard was prospering, you've ruined everything. Ask them-"

"Where's father? Did you kill him?" Thor began to stalk Loki, pushing him back into his chair as he desperately tried to explain.

"You had what you wanted. You had the independence you asked for."

"That's enough, Thor," I growled, placing my blade against his throat as he let Mjolnir rest atop Loki's chest.

"My apologies, Lady Liv, but this must be done."

Thor put more pressure on Loki's chest and he quickly relented, "okay, I know exactly where he is."

"Bring me to him."

Thor lifted Mjolnir off of his chest and I crouched beside him, "are you ok?"

"Yeah, of course, but I'm afraid that I will be taking a trip to Midgard, my vígmaðr." Loki's gaze softened as he grabbed my hand, "I do not know what will come about as a result of returning Odin to his throne, but know this, I will find a way to be with you no matter what happens."


(A/N): And we're into Ragnarok! This won't be as in depth as Dark World (obviously since there are only two chapters left) but I'm sure y'all know the plot 😂 I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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