Chapter 50

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(Liv's POV):
I returned to the room I was given after Frigga's funeral had ended, my heart still feeling like lead. No one seemed to know that her death was my fault and I felt like screaming it from the balcony for all to hear. I had killed one of the most beloved people of Asgard and the guilt was eating away at me.

Suddenly my door flung open and I was met with a handful of soldiers, my lips downturning into a frown. However, I managed to control my emotions and not threaten them with magic, which was my first instinct. I had remind myself that they were on my side.

"We need you to come with us," one of the men spoke and I nodded, obediently following them out of the room. I didn't know where they were taking me or what was so important that they interrupted me directly after a funeral, but I didn't need to make enemies in this realm.

They brought me down to what was quickly becoming my most familiar place in the palace: the dungeons. They flanked me on all sides, yet it took me until we were in front of an open cell that I realized that I was being locked up. I looked at them quizzically, but they simply ushered me inside and had the walls close around me.

"Looks like it took you all of one day to get locked up, is that a new record? Guess Thor's protection wasn't enough," I heard a familiar voice from the cell across the hall.

"Shut up, Loki," I muttered, sitting down on the hard floor as I tried to figure out why I was being confined to a cell.

Was it due to my involvement in Frigga's death? And, if so, why did they wait until after the funeral? Or was it because of my ancestry? No, they would have done that the moment I stepped into Asgard. Odin clearly didn't like me, perhaps he finally snapped after Frigga's death, no longer having her to keep him from doing anything irrational.

"Liv?" Loki's voice brought me out of my thoughts and I glanced up at him.


"I asked why you were joining me in the dungeons."

I paused, wondering if I should tell him the truth, but decided not to. "I am different from the others, apparently Asgard's not a fan of different either."

To help my point, I waved my wings, which I had not felt necessary to put away after they had come out in Frigga's chambers. Perhaps that was my mistake, but Odin knew who I was before all of this happened.

Then it hit me. He wanted to contain me. I was the one that the Dark Elves wanted, I possessed the Aether. This way I could not leave with it, nor would they have to track me down if the Dark Elves were to attack again. I would be right here, in this cell when they needed me.

I glanced up at Loki, my expression softening slightly, "how are you doing?"

"Fine," he spat before turning from me.

"Lokes, I know this must be hard on you-"

"I said, I'm fine!"

I sighed, resting my eyes, "very well then. But if you ever need someone to talk to, I guess I'll always be right here."

A moment of silence passed between us before Loki inquired, "why did you come to Asgard? You never told me."

"Heimdall found me and sent Thor." It was the truth, perhaps not all of it, but it was the truth stripped down to the essentials. Loki didn't need to know about the Aether, he didn't need to know he was going to lose me so soon after finding about his mother.

"After all these months, he couldn't just leave you be?"

I fell silent, afraid that I would let something slip and paced around my cell. Once I had memorized all four walls, I sat back down and fiddled with the fabric of my dress. My cape was gone, left in my chambers once I got back from the funeral, and I was missing it quite a bit. To create some warmth, I rubbed my bare arms with my hands, distracted by red streams moving around beneath the skin of my forearm.

I could feel the Aether within me, it's power consuming me. It slithered throughout my body and fought against me if I tried to control it. But still, it was a weapon, one that was currently being sought after by a powerful entity. If he wanted it, perhaps he knew how to wield it, which meant I could learn as well.

Closing my eyes, I turned my focus inwards, concentrating on the power of the Aether. Once I had found its strongest point, I tried to use it against the shield of my cell. However, the minute I attempted to gain control pain radiated through my body, prompting a cry to leave my throat.

"What happened? Are you hurt?" Loki immediately demanded, rushing to the edge of his cell.

I forced my lids open as I shook my head, "no, I simply tried to use my magic, but apparently this cell has something preventing that. I really shouldn't be surprised."

Loki's gaze remained suspicious, but I did not give him the satisfaction of telling me that he knew I was lying. Instead I curled up on the hard floor and informed him, "now, if you don't mind, it's been quite the day, and I would love to get some sleep."

It didn't take long for me to drift off, despite how uncomfortable it was on the cell floor. But with the amount of power I was keeping at bay and with everything that had happened, I was left completely drained. But my rest seemed to last only a minute before I was awoken by noises outside of my cell.

It took me a moment to adjust to my surroundings, but I recognized Lady Sif walking into my cell, offering me her hand. Outside the cell stood Thor, who was conversing with Loki.

I turned back to Sif, confused, "am I allowed to leave?"

She shrugged, "You can say that. We're not going to sit around and let the Dark Elves attack Asgard again."

"Why do I have the feeling that Odin hasn't approved this?"

"Because he would rather wait for them to attack and endanger the lives of his people. Now come with us." Lady Sif led me out of my cell and I joined Thor outside of Loki's.

"I know you seek vengeance as much as I do. You help us escape Asgard and I will grant it to you. Vengeance and, afterwards, this cell," Thor was promising Loki, most likely trying to get him on board whatever plan he had concocted as well.

Loki scoffed humorously, "you must be truly desperate to come to me for help. What makes you think you can trust me?"

"I don't. But mother did. And I do not believe you would endanger Liv's life."

Loki's eyes twitched up to meet mine, "and why are you bringing her along?"

Thor frowned as he turned to me, "you have not told him?"

"Told me what?" Loki demanded to know as I sheepishly shook my head.

"I-I am who they're after, the Dark Elves. I carry the Aether," I explained, unable to meet Loki's gaze.


(A/N): Uh-oh, the secret's out now! How do you think Loki will react? I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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