Chapter 49

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(Liv's POV):
I sat inside Frigga and Odin's bedroom, more stressed out than I had ever been in my life. I didn't like sitting around doing nothing, I would rather be out there fighting a losing battle.

After a while, I stood and began to pace, straining my ears to keep alert for any threats. My sword rested in my hand, ready to strike whenever I needed. But I wasn't part of the fight, my job was to sit on the sidelines and I hated it. And I hated not knowing if Loki was ok, I feared he had been caught up in the fight down in the dungeons.

Finally I heard noises from the other side of the bedroom door, Frigga was speaking to someone. I couldn't quite make out the words, but I knew it had to be a Dark Elf. I ran to the door, ready to burst out and fight, but I restrained myself, knowing that Frigga had specifically told me to stay put, no matter what happened.

The sounds of swords clashing only made me less willing to stay out of the fight, but I reminded myself that Frigga knew what she was doing. I suspected she could see into the future, that was how she knew that the disruption in the prisons would lead to an attack by the Dark Elves.

"Witch!" I heard a male voice cry out, causing me to flinch. So, he had discovered that the illusion of me was not actually me. My grip on my sword tightened, my knuckles turning white.

But what made me finally snap was a sound I knew all to well. The groan of someone being hurt, maybe even killed. Thor's voice echoed in the room as he cried out and I knew that I could not stay hidden any longer. Frigga had been hurt and whoever was out there was going to pay.

I burst of the room to find Frigga lying on the ground, blood seeping out of a wound on her back. Lifeless.

Thor was charging after two creatures trying to escape through the balcony, his hammer wielding lightning to throw at them. I rushed to his side, throwing balls of magic at them as they went over the side. I managed to land a hit on one of them, but I knew that it was not fatal. And the next second they were flying away on one of their ships. Thor tried to knock it out of the sky with his hammer, but the ship disappeared before impact.

I turned back to Frigga, despite knowing there was nothing I could do to save her now. Why had she been so insistent on hiding me away? I could have helped her fight! This was the one person that had ever treated Loki with kindness and I had gotten her killed, simply because I had been too careless and stumbled across an infinity stone.

Odin was now cradling Frigga's limp body and my heart ached for him, despite knowing everything that he had done. Thor was distraught as he stumbled a few steps towards her fallen body, but stopped, unable to close the distance entirely. I placed my hand on his shoulder, hoping that it would be a comforting gesture. All the while I was just repeating I'm sorry, I'm so sorry in my head, tears prickling in my eyes.

Guards came rushing in moments later and Odin quickly resumed his demeanor as a king, demanding that Frigga's body be prepped for her funeral then leaving the room. Thor knelt beside her corpse, muttering a few words, then turned to me.

"We best be going, I doubt that will be the last time they attack. They want the Aether and won't stop until they get it," Thor spoke, surprising me with how level-headed he was remaining despite the grief.

The fact that he would even be willing to speak to me after what I had done felt like he was pushing the dagger already lodged in my heart even deeper. But I nodded, taking one last glance at the fallen queen, and joining him by his side.

We walked down the hallways in silence, until I finally turned to him nervously, "Loki needs to know what happened."

Thor's jaw clenched, but he did give a curt nod. "I will have one of the guards inform him."

I stopped and placed my hand on his arm. "Thor, you know how much Frigga meant to him-"

"Actually, no, I don't!" Thor burst out, causing me to flinch. "Whether we're discussing before or after his little trip to Midgard, you haven't seen him in his cell. He loathes everyone. Even our mother, whom you claim he loves more than anyone. So if he did indeed love her, you should tell him to show it."

"Thor, he's afraid of showing affection, he's been taught that it's a weakness," I spoke softly, knowing that I was walking on eggshells here. "Please, just let me inform him, it will be easier coming from me."

And it will be a fitting punishment for me, I added mentally, knowing that having to tell Loki that I killed his mother would be the most painful thing I had ever done. Thor finally let out a sigh and nodded, changing direction to bring me down to the dungeons.

The palace had received much damage during the attack, but no area smelt more of battle than the dungeons. Most of the bodies had been dragged away, but the floor had yet to be cleaned of the spilt blood and excrement. The prisoners who had survived the battle were already locked back up, but the cells were significantly less full than they had been a few hours ago.

Thor had a guard open Loki's cell to let me in, then left me alone with him, no doubt going off to grieve on his own. Loki looked up as I walked in, surprised to see me. Or perhaps surprised to see my wings out and armor on, a transformation that must have occurred as I ran after those that killed Frigga.

"I thought you were uncertain if you could see me again, but now you give me two visits in one day, you must really love me," he spoke coldly, seeming not to register my fallen face.

"Loki," his name came out as almost as whisper as I approached him, taking his hands in mine.

He flinched at the touch, but did not pull away, a flash of worry passing through his expression.

"What happened?" He then paused, closing his eyes as realization washed over him. "Who was it?"


I could practically feel the anger rising up inside him at the news. But he ripped out of my grasp and turned away, snarling, "go."

"Loki, if you need someone-" I started, but he interrupted me.

"Just go, Liv."

I sighed, knowing it was impossible to change his mind. So I placed a kiss on his cheek and whispered, "I'm really sorry, Lokes."

I was more sorry than he realized, but right now was clearly not the time to tell him. I just did as he asked and left him alone with his pain, wishing that he would let me in and grieve with him. But I would probably be caught if I stayed much longer and it was clear that he didn't want me.


(A/N): Ah I didn't want to do it, but it had to happen for the future events to unfold. I really apologize, but at least her death is made easier by knowing that she had seen what was going to happen and made the choice herself (also like the Ancient One). Anyway, enough of me discussing Frigga's death, exciting things to happen in the next handful of chapters (and really until the end of the book)!

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