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It was Sunday, and Zak wasn't really doing much. He had no idea what to do today, and was in honesty pretty bored. He had been scrolling through twitter most of the day. That was until he got a message from his two friends.

hey zak,, darryl was spamming me saying that he wanted to go the park so i was wondering if you wanted to go with us

Hey! It's not my fault I'm bored.

wOW okay sure ill comw

you can also bring your boyfriend if you want


Zak rolled his eyes at the slight teasing. He figured that he could ask Dave to come, and if he was being honest, he kind of wanted him to. So, he clicked on the chat he had with Dave and messaged him.

hi noob um vincent darryl and i are goinj to the parj fo you wany to come

the parj?

the PARK stupif

yeah sure ill go


so, you miss me, nerd?

you WISH loser


Zak smiled, biting back a laugh and standing up, alerting his mom as to where he would be going and heading out the door. He was already in decent clothes. At least, something socially acceptable to wear in public.
When he got to the park, Vincent and Darryl were already there.
"Hey, muffin!"
The three of them stayed there for a while, and Zak would be lying if he said he didn't wish Dave was there. He liked his friends, of course, don't get him wrong, but it was just something about Dave that was nice being around.
He definitely didn't like him though.
Just really good friends. Right?
As if on cue, he was lightly shoved.
"Zak? Dave's here." Vincent said, a teasing smirk on his face.
His gaze flickered to the side of him, and sure enough, Dave was there.
"Hi, casuals."
The four friends stayed there and just talked for a while, but eventually Darryl's eyes lit up when he noticed the swings. Yeah, he was still a child, but his innocence was what a lot of them liked about him. He grabbed onto the first person that was by him, which was Dave, and dragged him toward the swings.
Zak scoffed, crossing his arms.
"Jealous, are you? And you say you don't actually like him." Vincent joked.
"I'm not jealous! And I don't."
Vincent rolled his eyes.
"Keep telling yourself that."
Zak muttered under his breath. Yeah. He was kind of jealous. That didn't mean anything, though.
Vincent didn't know why Zak didn't want to admit to his feelings. Maybe it was because he was embarrassed. Whatever it was, he'd let him find out on his own time.
"I'll go keep Darryl busy. Go talk to him." Vincent lightly nudged him and made his way toward Darryl.
Zak huffed at what his friend said before walking over to Dave. Unsure of how to start a conversation, he bit his lip.
"You're bad at Minecraft."
Yeah, he wasn't the best at starting conversations.
"Says the one who lost basically every game last night."
"I'll win all the games if we do sumo!"
The four of them stayed there for a while. It was mostly Zak and Dave making fun of each other while Darryl dragged Vincent practically everywhere. Eventually, Vincent looked at the time.
"I should probably head home."
"I should too." Darryl said.
That left Dave and Zak alone in the park after saying a quick goodbye to the other two.
"Well, I guess I should get going too." Dave said.
"No, you're going to stay right here. You and I both know that you don't have to be home for another hour."
Dave chuckled.
"Clingy nerd."
Zak stayed there for a moment. Surely he only wanted Dave to stay because he liked him as a close friend? Nothing more. He wasn't going to believe that he actually liked him back that way.
It was just his brain making things up so that he wouldn't be in a relationship he didn't want. He definitely only saw him as a friend.
However, here he was, leaning on him and pretty close to falling asleep. In his defense, it was close to nighttime, and he hardly ever sleeps at night anyways. So, that resulted in Dave having to carry him back to his house.
oddidhsksn iM SORRY if this is bad lmao,, im not really proud of it 😔

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