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Zak awoke to the sound of his alarm going off. Muttering under his breath, he turned it off and got up to get ready for the day. It was Monday, and time for him to go back to school again.
He made a quick bowl of cereal, ate it, and then headed out the door, waving a goodbye to his mother as usual.
On the way to school, he bit his lip. Dave wasn't here this morning to walk to school with him. Was he sick? He hoped he was doing okay. He shook his head. Whatever. He should stop getting anxiety about the simplest things, he's probably already there. If he wasn't, then he would show up late. He's always late, why should it be any different now because he decided to show up on time for a couple days?
Zak entered the building, pulling at the strings of his blue hoodie before spotting Vincent and Darryl and walking toward them.
"Hey guys!"
"Hi, muffin!" Darryl responded, his usual bright personality there. There was something about Darryl that was just so pure and could lighten up the mood for anyone. He was a really good friend to have, and Zak always thought didn't deserve him.
"Have you seen Dave?" Zak asked.
"No, but he's always late. I'm sure he's fine." Vincent spoke before Darryl could. They were thinking the same thing anyways, so it didn't really matter.
"Well, he better come back soon." Zak huffed, crossing his arms like a little kid. He missed that idiot, and he just saw him yesterday.
"For not liking him, Zak, you seem pretty worried over something normal." Darryl said. Vincent only muttered a "thats the point" with a teasing glint in his eyes.
"I don't!"
"Are you sure?" Darryl raised an eyebrow, a small grin on his face.
"Pretty sure, yeah." Zak told him, rolling his eyes.
He wasn't pretty sure. He was confused as to if he actually did like him or not, but he didn't want to tell the two that. They've already done enough for him and he didn't want to bother them.
"Whatever you say." Vincent shrugged, leaving Darryl to laugh.
Darryl pulled out his phone, scanning over the time and looking back up at his two close friends.
"We should be heading to class. It starts in 3 minutes."
"Fuck. Thanks for reminding us!" Zak said to him quickly, going to his class. He chuckled when he heard a firm and almost mad "language!"
He sighed. He wanted Dave to come walk to class with him and make fun of how much of a nerd he was.
Entering the Math classroom, he opened the door and sat in his seat. He was bored. He knew absolutely no one in this class, and that meant there was no quiet jokes being told to the person beside him or any notes being passed. So, he was about to force himself to pay attention when the door opened.
"Sorry for being late." Dave said to the teacher as he walked by, going to his seat and sitting beside Zak.
Zak softly smacked his arm.
"Stop being late, I missed you." He whispered, so the teacher couldn't hear him.
"You're so clingy, like I said at the park." Dave mumbled back to him, although he had a smile on his face.
Zak scoffed, flickering his gaze to the front and listening to the teacher. Why was he being like this? Was he genuinely starting to like him back?
When their classes had finished, the two went off to lunch, sitting down at their usual table.
"How was class?" Darryl asked.
"Boring, as always." Zak told him.
"I got scolded by Zak for being late."
After a bit of talking, Zak turned to Dave.
"I want ice cream!"
"No, can we go together after school?"
Dave pretended to think hard, but Zak thought he was seriously thinking about it.
"Please? I'll pay!"
"Okay, now I'm definitely not going."
"What? But-"
"You have to let me pay." Dave said to him.
"Fine." He pouted.
Zak was totally going to smack his arm away when he attempted to pay again.
omg hakKAPHDKS im sorry this chapter was short- the next one will be longer ^^"

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