A Broken Heart

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A Broken Heart

"Oh, baby cakes, are you sure you're alright?" A concerned Cake speaks behind me facing my back as she caresses my messy golden blonde hair from lying on my pillow case on my bed.

"Yes." I sniffle under my breath, loud enough to make her hear. I wipe my tears with my arms as I hug a picture frame of Gumball tightly. Of course I wouldn't want her to see me crying and let her worry, but she already knows probably, "Lord Monochromicorn has been waiting hours for you Cake!"

"Ugh! Can't I get a solid answer from you first?" She growls in annoyance, "Baby just tell, me what's wrong. What did Gumball do to you?!" replies with misery in her words, softly tugging my shoulder making me turn to her.

I finally give and turn to meet her concerned eyes gazing at me. I burst with emotions I've been holding, drop the frame and pull Cake in for a tight hug as I bury my face at her soft, furry chest and in result, drenched her wet with tears, her warmth slowly gladdening me.

Without saying a word she clearly understands me being the best friend and the sister she is.

She lets go and starts to frantically move twice her size, "WHAT DID THAT JERK---" and was about to start to curse Gumball but I cut her off, "No! Cake, He didn't do anything to me."

Of course I wouldn't want her to think of such things about Gumball just because of my silly overreactions; or not. Ugh!

She calms down, returns to her regular size and sits back beside me just staring at me in awe. She cups my face like a baby and coos, "Crying for nothing baby?"

I wipe my nose, look down and lower my voice at her, "S-Sorry Cake. I, I uh, I didn't mean to raise my voice..." I stumble upon words not knowing what to say, "Just, just go, now, Lord has been waiting for you."

She realizes she can't make me talk right now so she just leaves me be and kisses my forehead.

"Silly girl, you know it's storming!" She explains the fact that I kinda forgot about. I hear the rain softly rattling on the window pane at the right side opposite to where I'm facing.

"I'll just wait for you and the storm to chill and finish your dramas, whatever it is, okay? Because, I guess the world may never know why you're raging so strong." She remarks. I simply reply with "hmmmmmph" and she lightly giggles.

With a soft 'click' of the doorknob, I know she finally moved out of the room. I can finally grab the lock of Gumball's pink gum hair I hid under my bed and I stick it on the corner of Gumball's picture frame. I can smell its sweet gummy aroma and tears start to flood my eyes again, clouding my vision.

I can still feel that harsh pain, fresh in my heart like a cut of a knife deep down inside when he told me that I'm just too young for him, "Gumball! Why did you have to hurt me like that?! I hate you!!" I curse aloud tearing up and throw the frame on the bed. It rolls over on the brink of falling off the bed but I grabbed a hold of it before it could fall and break.

"...but I couldn't hate you..." I take back what I said, lay down the frame beside me lying on the bed staring at the ceiling and I grasp the lock of Gumball hair in my hands.

I raise the frame and talk to it like a lunatic, "...I know I could easily break your face and your bones anytime, but I couldn't! Dammit! How do you do that?! What kind of science-y stuff did you do to me!?" I sniffle, tears continuing to flow out my eyes. He didn't only hurt my feelings, he also turned me to a complete lunatic.

"...I couldn't, because I love you! I tried to please you, I did all you want me to do but... Why can't you love me b---"

My thoughts I spoke aloud suddenly get interrupted by a single 'tick' I heard from the corner of the room. I'm not sure where it came from apparently because it's quite dim in here and the lights are off, also because its nighttime soon and dark thick clouds are covering the sun with only the faint glow of light from outside the window illuminating the room.

I focus on the silhouette image of a guy forming on the window that now has been opened.

Without any delay, I drop the frame, roll over to my right side of bed where my sword is and grab it, immediately directing the sword to the silhouette.

"Wasting tears for Prince Gumwad, eh?" The silhouette slowly moves forward to me and speaks with a deep voice seemingly familiar.

I swallow hard as he continues walking, or rather floating closer to me. I just keep the sword directed at him with intent to stab him anytime and not hurt me. I avoid showing any signs of fear and I kneel backwards on bed.

I didn't notice I was already on the edge of the bed, I almost fell off when I felt a 'whoosh' of wind making my hair flop by a flash of strong wind I felt from behind me.

"Marshall Lee!" I address in awe as I gasped at the realization of me being cradled in his arms. He just saved me from falling. He's wearing the usual red and black checkered buttoned shirt, black jeans and converse. I lean backwards in an awkward position when his face was too near mine.

He chuckles back in response and places me softly back on bed.

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