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Flashback from Chapter 3

I woke up from the sound of someone sniffling. He's crying... I- Can I hug him?
He's not gonna mind it, right?
He's so warm and his hair is so fluffy and soft. I wish that I could say that '' I love you''

End of flashback


I feel something warm behind me... TSUKISHIMA?!? He's hugging me! He's so warm. He looks good without his glasses. What time is it? It's only 6 am. Our practice starts at 8 am. I think I can sleep again.


Thank God, He's still not awake. What time is it? 7 am. I better wake him up. It's almost time for our practice match.


"Hinata. Wake up" "It's 7"

" Oh. Morning" "Thanks for letting me stay"

"No problem. Have you bought your clothes?"

"Yeah." "We better get ready. Before we're late"



At Karasuno

"Finally your both here" Tanaka sighed

"Are we the only ones late?" Hinata asked.

"Yes," Tanaka answered

"Sorry.." The orange boy apologized

"It's fine. Let's get on the bus. We are gonna have our practice match with Aoba Johsai"

Inside the Bus


He's sitting down with Kageyama... Why does my heart hurt so badly? He's falling asleep on his shoulder. Everyone is taking pictures of them. My heart hurts...

(Time skip brought to you by your author is lazy)

"Tsukki?" Yamaguchi asked.
"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." I never really knew that King and Shrimpy we're that close. But still. My heart hurts...

(Time skips again.) (Karasuno managed to win the practice match.)


I saw Tsukishima earlier kinda sad. Ever since we got off that bus... I wonder what happened? I should ask him to sit with me.. and talk to him.


He ignored me. What happened to him? Did I do something wrong?

"Hey Hinata, " Kageyama sat down beside him


"Oh hey.."

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing" Me and Kageyama have known each other since we're toddlers, Sure, we get flirty. But it doesn't matter to us because he's my best friend. And I know for a fact that he will never like me because he has a crush on Yamaguchi. He can always see through me when I'm lying...

"Hinata. I know your lying"

"You can always see through me, huh?"

"What happened?"

"Don't tease me after this"

"Yeah yeah, so what happened?"

"Well, I asked Tsukishima to sit down next to me because he looked sad when we got off the bus and I'm just surprised because he ignored me"

"Oh... Sorry. " "I know you like him"

"Shut up! "

"Hahaha!" " So that's why you're sad.."


(Time skip)


I ignored him again.. I feel bad... Oh..  of course they're walking home together...
I heard their conversation on the bus. But I only heard a little bit. Of how Hinata likes someone. It's probably Kageyama, I mean he looks so happy with him.

No one's Pov

"Bye Milkman!" Hinata shouted.

"Bye Tangerine!" He shouted back

'I'm getting hungry'

As Hinata went to buy some snacks he saw Tsukishima crying so he approached him.



"What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

"If you're fine... then why are you crying?"

"Family stuff..."

"Wanna talk about it?"


(That was too harsh)

"Oh.." Hinata was sad he just wants to talk to Tsukishima.

"Are you sure?"

" Look, I'm going"

"Oh.. okay then. Bye!"


After that, I got home.

"I'm home- Oh. right..." 'they're dead.'

'Why did it have to be them? why can't it just be me?'

A few minutes later. 10 pm

'I wanna text somebody'

Milkman: Not online
Sugamama: Not online
Dadchi: Not online
Thunder: Not online
Tanaka-senpai: Not online
Itoka: Not online
Saltyshima: Online

'It looks like he's the only one online'

Hinata: Hey.

' I hope he answers it'

Tsukishima: Hey.

' It took him 1 hour to message back.. It looks like he really got a big problem

Hinata: So.. Tell me why were you crying. Earlier?

Tsukishima: I told you it's about family stuff.

' Like I believe him'

Hinata: You're lying

Tsukishima: No, I'm not.

Hinata: You are. Just tell me why. I promise I will not tell them

Tsukishima: It looks like you're really not gonna let this go. I have no choice then, Just meet me at the cherry blossom tree, near my house

(Does Japan have a cherry blossom tree?)

Hinata: Sure. See ya!

' Finally..' 

At the Cherry Blossom Tree

"What do you wanna know?''

"Everything. Starting on the bus.''

" I'll tell you one thing..."

"What is it?"



Oh hey! Is this chapter good? I'm sorry again about my grammar! I hope you enjoyed it! Don't forget to vote! Stay safe at home!

Words: 794

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