Shoulder to Shoulder

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From the last chapter

''I feel something warm on my shoulder''

End of flashback


Finally, Hinata gave up. I wonder who's texting him. He seems happy. A few minutes later, I was looking out on the window of the bus while listening to my music. When suddenly, I felt something warm on my shoulder. Hinata?!? He fell asleep. He looks so cute and warm. His hair is so fluffy... I think I'm gonna sleep too...


"Guys! SHH! Hinata and Tsukishima fell asleep!" Sugarawa tried scolding them. Hinata and Tsukishima look like a couple. Everyone was taking pictures of them. Because this happens like one day is a million years.



'Tsukishima fell asleep too. I better wake him up.'

"Tsukishima, wake up."

"Oh sorry"

"It's fine"

"Hinata Tsukishima! Get off the bus!" Our coach yelled at us. I'm still blushing because I fell asleep on Tsukishima's shoulder.

"Hey, guys!" I shouted with a bright smile

"Hey" Nishinoya smirked

"Uh. What's going on?"

"Tell me Hinata, are you dating Tsukishima?" Tanaka asked me

'What?!? We're not dating!'

"NO! We're not!" I shouted back

"Well then, what is this?"

"Well then, what is this?"

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'They took pictures?!?'

I and Tsukishima stared at each other blushing.

"We're really not." Tsukishima tried to explain

"Aww! But you both would look like a good couple!" Tanaka shouted

"Hey, they told you both their not dating, Now, stop it" Sugarawa scolded them.

'I'm blushing! We're not dating! Yeah sure, I like him. But I know he doesn't like me back'

(Time Skip) 7pm Practice match with Nekoma.

"Kenma!" I shouted

"Hey Shoyo!"

"Ready to lose?" I smirked

"Not a chance."

{A few minutes later. Karasuno and Nekoma's practice match finally started}

"Kenma-san nice serve!" Lev shouted

Kenma served directly to Daichi-san which he received perfectly.

"Nice receive!" I shouted

Daichi-san passed the ball to Tobio. We both looked each other at the same time. We have to try our new quick.


"Hinata!" As I spiked the ball to ground. Causing a loud sound, we celebrated because me and Tobio has been practicing a new quick for weeks now


[A few minutes later]

Nekoma won the practice match.

"Hey Hinata?" Tsukishima called me. What does Tsukishima want?


"I was wondering do you maybe wanna..."


"wanna hang-out?" "We have free time.."



I asked Hinata to hangout with me. Hopefully he said "Yes". He did say yes. 'I can't stop blushing'

"Daichi-san?" Hinata called him.


"Can me and Tsukishima buy a snack?" "down the road?"

"Sure, Just be back by 9"

"Thank you!"

When me and Tsukishima were walking on the road. Tsukishima suddenly stopped walking

"Huh? Tsukishima? Why did you stop?"

"Can you please follow me?"

'That's weird I thought he wanted snacks?'

"Okay then?."

"So.. what are we doing here?"


'He looks very serious right now. I'm scared'


Done! I'm sorry it's short! After this TsukiHina story. I will make a Ask or Dare TsukiHina.
Please comment on it! I hope you like this story! Bye!

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