Chapter 8

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I don't know what to call this part, I hate having a writer's block



I woke up seeing my cinnamon bun next to me sleeping so deeply. What time is it? 6 am. I better wake him up.

"Hinata." I said while ruffling his hair.


"Wake up... It's 6 am."

"No..." He really just won't wake up

"Okay then, I'll tell King to stop tossing to you." I know for a fact he loves King's tosses

"I'm awake!" He shouted.

"Okay, now go get ready" As I kissed him.


Third person's POV

As Karasuno was warming up for the practice match with Fukorodani. Hinata's best friend talked to him



"Can we hang out later? We haven't really talked that much" "I missed you (as a best friend) "

"Aww~ does my milkman best friend miss me? Of course, We can hang out" Hinata said as patting his head while tip toeing

"Stop that"

Hinata just laughed at his best friend, this is Hinata's first time teasing Karasuno's setter.

(Time skip) (2nd set, Fukorodani won the 1st set) (The score from 2nd set. Karasuno: 20 Fukorodani: 24)

As Kageyama served the ball really strong, Fukorodani still received it perfectly. But the ball came back to the other side of the net

"Sorry!" Akaashi shouted

"Chance ball" Nishinoya shouted.


Hinata spiked the ball while closing his eyes. But when he opened his eyes. His spike was blocked by the other team. Fukorodani celebrated their win against Karasuno

'I need to practice more' Hinata mumbles

"Hinata, line up" Tanaka said to Hinata

"Thank you so much!" They all shouted in unison.


"Alright! Time to do our punishment! Go!" Daichi shouted

(Time skip, Dinner)

As Hinata was eating his food, his salty tall blonde boyfriend sat next to him.

"Good work out there" Tsukishima said

"Thanks" "Tsukishima?"


"Can I hang out with Tobio?" "He invited me ealier..."

"Sure, just be back early" Tsukishima patted his head.

"Thank you~" Hinata already finished his food.

"Tobio, let's go!"

"Be back later, Tadashi."


As they both asked permission to their coach. They went out, to buy some ice-cream

As they were walking on the road eating ice-cream. Tobio spoke

"I missed this"

"Yeah, me too. I'm sorry for not hanging out with you anymore..." Hinata felt guilty for not hanging out with his best friend.

"It's fine Shrimpy"

"So... can I buy another ice cream?"


(Time skip)


'Where is he?' It's 10pm... 'I'm sleepy... I'm gonna try to wait for him-...

No one's POV

Tsukishima tried to wait for his lover, Hinata. But he can't he's not used to sleep late.

Because he always sleep after he study for an exam. So, he found a kinda way for him to stay awake. More study, (Tsukki is a nerd~ joke)
As Tsukishima stand up from his bed, Tsukishima grabbed his bag. Filled with books and clothes. He grabbed his textbook. He has tons of homework to do. He has forgotten about because of his cinnamon roll. As Tsukishima grabbed a chair he look at his cellphone first.

'10:30 pm... He's still not here...'. Tsukishima wondered

So he put on his headphones started playing some music to calm him down. And started doing his homework.


'What time is it? 10:30?!?'

"Kageyama!" I shouted. I didn't realized that it's already this late. Tsukushuma is probably sleeping right now


"It's 10:30!"

"Shit! We gotta go back"

(Time skip)

"Night Tobio" I whispered. We needed to be quiet so the others won't wake up.

"Night Shoyo" He whispered back.

As I opened the door seeing Tsukishima on his table. Doing homework? Is he awake? I walked towards him. He's sleeping.. cute... w-what am I thinking? The real Shoyo Hinata has no minds like this!

"Oh." "What are you doing~?" Tsukkishima was awake?!?

"Y-you were faking?!?" I shouted

"Shush. Shoyo, everyone might hear you" He said while holding my lips.


Hinata.. Hinata...

"Shush Shoyo, everyone might here you..." I said while holding his lips..

I carried Shoyo like bridal style. And put him down the bed. And I questioned Shoyo.

"Now tell me.." I said while on top of him

"What..?" He said. I can see him blushing. So he likes this? Hmm~

"Why were you late?" I said while holding his waist.

"Because I didn't look at t-the time... I didn't r-realized that it was late..." He explained to me

"Okay" After that I kissed him and pulled away. "I'll let you go this once, if you do that again... who knows what I'll do to you~" I said seductively

He's so cute~


He was faking?!? What the-
What is he doing?!?

"I'll let you go this once... If you do that again... who knows what I'll do to you~" He said seductively...

"M-mhm..." All I could do is stutter... and blush... "Now.. Get off me!"

"No." Wha-??

"Get off-"

"Kiss me first~" He said seductively. I'm hella blushing right now


After I said that. All I know Tsukishima's lips is already in my lips too.

"T-tsukishima.." I said between his kisses

"Don't worry.." "I won't do it- yet..." He's planning to do it?!?

(Time skip!) (After their practice match)



And done! My fingers hurt... I hope you like it! Stay safe!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2020 ⏰

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