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No more flashback.
I can do this, I can confess to him right now. I hope he likes me back



"You?" "Tsukishima say it"

'I can't take this anymore' I kissed him. He kissed me back. I broke the kiss. and said

"Hinata, will you be mine?"

"Of course!"

I kissed Hinata again. His lips are so soft. I finally get to call him Mine. I'll never let him go

"Let's just go back"

"Why so salty~"

"Shush." I kissed him again.

"That made you shut up"

He pouted. He's so cute when he does that. He patted Hinata's head

"So. Are we going to tell the others?"

"Not yet."

"okay then"

(Their both finally back)


I can't believe Tsukki kissed me and confessed to me. I thought he didn't like me. But now he's mine!

"Why do you look so happy?"
Tobio asked me

"Me and Tsukki are finally together" I whispered to him. Although Tsukki, did tell me not to tell anyone. But I can't he's my dumbass best friend

"Congrats Tangerine"

"So. How about you and Yamaguchi?"

"Yeah. well, we're together too"

"I'm so happy for you, Tobio!
As I shouted while  hugging my best friend

"Thanks, Shoyo" "Hey let go, someone is gonna kill me if you don't"

"Who?" "Oh." I looked at Tsukishima. Tsukishima was giving the death stare to Tobio.

"Well then, we'll talk later."

"Tsukki~!" I shouted as I approached Tsukki.

"Why we're you hugging him?"

'I didn't know he can that be over protective'

"I'm just happy for him. Because my dumbass best friend and Yamaguchi finally got together."

"Okay then, you never do that again, understood? You're mine"

"Yes." I can't with him. He's face are too close to my face

"Oi! You guys go to sleep! Go into your rooms! We're gonna have a practice with Fukorodani tomorrow! Go to rest!" Daichi shouted

"Let's go then" Tsukishima whispered.

(At their room 😏)

"Tsukki! Can I borrow your hoodie?" I asked him. Already holding his hoodie



As I got out of the bathroom wearing Tsukki's hoodie and a pants. I plopdown the bed and hugged Tsukki.

"Hey, what are you listening at?"


My phone is vibrating. Now who's texting me in the middle of the night?

'It's Kenma' 'He does know we're in Tokyo too, right?'

Hinata: You do know we're in Tokyo and in the same school too, right?

Kenma: Yes, but I'm lazy to go inside your room

Hinata: Okay then, so why are you texting me in the middle of the night?

Kenma: wanna play games?

Hinata: only one round?

Kenma: yes.

Hinata: alright!

(Time skip)

Kenma: You lost again, Shoyo

'As I was texting Kenma. Someone grabbed my hips. Making me blush'

"Go to sleep,Shrimpy" Tsukishima sighed

"Alright..." "Let go of me"


Hinata: I have to go! Go to sleep, Kenma!

Kenma: Alright, Night Shoyo.

Hinata: Night

"Who was that?" Tsukishima asked me. I'm still on top of him. My head into his chest. So warm"

"Hinata?" "Shrimp"


'It looks like he fell asleep on me' 'cute' 'I love you, Shoyo'


done! I'm sorry its short!

Im sorry for not publishing for a couple of days. I hope you like it!

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