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Flashback from Jealousy

"I'll tell you one thing."

"What is it?''


End of flashback


As soon as Tsukishima was about to confess to Hinata. Tsukishima's phone ringed.

"I'm sorry, Hinata. But I have to take this. Bye, be careful on your way home!" Tsukishima shouted at Hinata


Tsukishima made me go here, I thought he was going to say it. But it got interrupted, I wonder who that is..

'I better go home' 'I'll text Milkman.

'He's finally online'


Hey, can you pick me up?

Sure, where are you?

At the    Cherry Blossom tree

I'll be there.

' I still wonder what Tsukishima was supposed to say to me'


I was about to say something to Hinata but somebody called me. It's Yamaguchi. Thank God, he called at the right time. Still, I feel bad for Hinata, I'll apologize tomorrow

Tsukki: Thank God, you called

Yams: Why? what happened?

Tsukki: I was about to say something to Hinata.

Yams: Or confess something to Hinata?

Tsukki: NO...

Yams: Tsukki, I know you like Hinata.

Tsukki: How did you-?

Yams: You can't hide anything from me, besides it's obvious. You always look at Hinata. And you always get mad when Kageyama and Hinata are so close from each other

Tsukishima: I-

Yams: No need to explain.

Tsukishima: Yeah. Well, anyway, why did you call me?

Yams: Uhh- I forgot.

Tsukishima:Eh?? Man.

Yams: Sorry, Tsukki.

Tsukishima: It's fine, bye

Yams: Bye

I'm finally home. I still feel bad about leaving Hinata there. Is he still online?

Hinata: online.

'He's still online, it's midnight. '

Tsukki: Hey

'I hope he's not mad'

Hinata: Hey.

Tsukki: I'm sorry for leaving you there.

Hinata: No worries, Tobio picked me up, since I don't know that place so much.

Tsukki: oh. Well then, you better go to sleep, Shrimpy.

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