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Authors note: Hi guys! Been a while but I've been working on this story while I've been gone and am eager to share it with you guys. I hope you all enjoy it!


Earth had once been a prosperous, and thriving land full of new opportunities and a placid society. Humans created advanced technology beyond their wildest dreams. People thrived in this new age, including the third world countries who had previously not even been able to afford to house all their citizens. It was... bliss. But behind the scenes, something more sinister was going on. People didn't find out until it was too late; World War 3... the first incident came. North Korea, East Russia, and Germany. They came together in North Korea, heading over to South Korea and began to open fire on innocent civilians. The news spread like wildfire. North Korea began to take South Koreans and Japanese prisoners, Russia moved into China and Australia and decimated villages and cities, Germany went to the UK and planted bombs in government buildings. It was complete and utter chaos. Eventually, North Korea pulled the trigger, nuke after nuke dropping in countries. The government did what it could. They made the facilities called Domes, sealed off underground to keep people safe. Long live the Sector. Long live Imperium.

The video ended as everyone sighed, grabbing their things to pack up, ready to go home. Of course, history HAD to be the last class of the day. My teacher raised her voice over the students so they could hear her over the hustle and bustle. "Alright class, your homework for tonight is going through and describing what each paragraph of the Sector's creed means in modern language. This is due on my desk when I see you all next week!"

Ding Ding Ding!

Finally, the bell rang. I grabbed my bag, packed up my tablet and receiver before I headed to the door. Just as I had thought I was going to be safe, I heard Mrs. Mclause's voice from the back of the room. "Shirai, come here." She said to me.

I sighed, turned around, and went over to her desk. "Yes, Sensei?" I said politely. I was really hoping she forgot about what I did.

"You're a bright girl, you know that, correct?" She said to me as she stood up. "But you're not going to be able to attend the Ceremony if your grades don't change. Please, if you need any help, come talk to me okay?"

I sighed. She wasn't wrong. "Yes, Sensei, forgive me. I will try my best." I muttered before I headed to the door, making sure to shut it softly as I left. I headed out the side entrance, taking a deep breath. The war. It happened so long ago. 20 years, if I remember correctly. What you're seeing here is a journal I am currently writing. 20 years ago, the world practically ended. Had it not been for the Imperium, we would all be dead and humanity would have ceased to exist. Dark, I know, but the truth. Or, at least so we assumed.

My name is Shirai Shizuko. I am a member of the second generation of the Sector. Whoever may find this, know that things were better. Everything used to be amazing. But things are changing. Something is going on, and I will get to the bottom of it. The truth needs to be told, and I will make sure that it is, no matter what.


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