• Prologue •

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My name is... Selinka Desa.


I can't remember why I am here.

Where *am* I anyway?

Why do I feel... weird?

I rubbed my eyes, seems like I'm still in one piece... and I can feel my body...


The blue haired female slowly opened her eyes, just to be greet by a sign of sunlight shining onto her eyes, making the girl flinch a bit and covered her eyes back. "Ow, ow, ow..." She groaned, and move her legs a little, it seems that she was lying on the ground, a little bit hurt from her back, possibly from laying down for too long. She took off the hand that was covering her eyes, and spin her head to another side, away from the sun. With all of her strength, she decided to lift her body to make it turn around, and placed one of her hand on the ground to push herself up. After doing so, she could finally see everything that was around her.

The scene was incredibly beautiful, there was plants, grass and trees everywhere, looks like a royal's park, or maybe forest, but not with so many trees. There were bushes around, also a bench to sit on, and a path that is plated with wooden-color. But around also had some vines covering one or maybe many small stone statues. Each one of it has something carved on it, but she couldn't quite see it if she doesn't get closer. As when she was about to stand up, a hand got in front of her face, looks like they were offering to help.

"Hey there, are you alright?" She decided to face the person and looked up. And there, standing a girl with brown hair. She wore a school blazer outfit, and also carries a bag. "H-Huh...? Thanks..." She got a bit startled by the appearance of the stranger, but soon grabbed on the brunette's arm so that she could finally stand up. "No problem. Helping is my thing, anyway, have any ideas where we are?" The brunette turned to her as she shrugged, showing a sign that she doesn't know either. Suddenly, a monitor, which was unknowingly from somewhere popped out, showing a silhouette of... a bear-looking? The screen was a bit glitchy too, but guess it was just a part of that monitor.

"Puhuhu... It is now clear that you have all been awake... So 'who am I' you may ask? That's none of your concern... for now. I'll gladly reveal my true self once you have finished one simple task!" The voice demanded as the both girls looked at it with a confused look on their faces, not really knowing what it was referring to. "What task...?" The brunette huffed a little as she faces the monitor's screen. After another small laugh from the silhouette from the monitor, it finally spoke up again. "Lemme tell you bastards, there are 16 of you on this floating island, named 'Ukisora'! Your task is to meet all of your fellow Ultimate students, by I mean 'Ultimate'... is that your talent that you remembered... so, just finish my task while I preparing, and I'll tell you what to do!" After that speech, the monitor went off.

"Huh... That's a weird thing..." The blue haired girl mumbled and looked over at the brunette. "I'm still a bit confused by all the 'Ultimate' thing..." The brunette said and held onto the bag. "Um... As I remembered... Before I got here, I have formed myself a talent that I could do for... my life... I guess that's what it means...?" The blue haired girl asked slightly as the girl next to her shrugged. "If that's what it is... then I'm Rin Saeko, Ultimate Therapist." Rin introduces first and put her hand on her chest as she do so. "Oh, Ultimate Therapist? I've wanted to be a therapist, cause they're nice, and I wanted to help people too! But... I'm more talented at something else." The blue haired girl shrugged a little.

"Oh, I see, so what's your name and talent?" Rin asked and pointed at her. "Oh! I haven't introduced yet, silly me- I'm Selinka Desa, the Ultimate Designer!" Selinka said with a smile. "Designer... interesting, so you like, sew clothes for people?" The therapist asked as she nods. "Yeah, I usually design clothes for a brand... sometimes they might even ask me to do clothes for cosplayers? Well, I enjoy doing all of it, so it's fine! What about you, Rin?" "Hm? Oh, my talent? It's nothing much... I would prefer not to say... but I can say that I have siblings..." Rin trailed off. "Siblings? I've always wanted to have a sister, to be exact, so is it cool to have siblings by your side?" "Yeah, it's sorta cool, but sometimes it could be chaotic too."

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