Chapter 1: Part 1: Despairful Genesis

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Day 1: Noon

After that, Monokuma got out of the gym, making the students stumbled back. Nozomi and Rin is trying to calm Hara down, while the calm squad just stands there. Suddenly, a device in everyone's pockets or bags rang on, and they pulled out the iPad-looking device, the screen automatically open on itself, and starts to display the 'rules'.


1: Students must live at the island, Ukisora for the remainder of their foreseeable future.

2: Once a murder takes place, all surviving students must participate in a class trial.

3: If they blackened is exposed during the class trial, they alone will be executed.

4: If the blackened is not exposed all remaining students besides the blackened will be executed.

5: If the blackened survives the class trial they will graduate and re-enter the outside world.

6: The killing game and class trials will go on until only two surviving students remain.

7: Nighttime is 10:30pm to 7:30am. The dining hall and gym are off limit during those times.

8: Violence towards Monokuma, the headmaster, is strictly prohibited.

9: Monokuma will never directly commit a murder.

10: Your Monopads are very important items. Please do not damage them.

11: A body discovery announcement will play every time a body is discovered by 3 or more students.

12: With minimal restrictions, you're free to explore the campus at your discretion.

13: Students who violate these rules will be immediately exterminated.


"E-Eh? There are even rules..." Selinka said as she scrolled through the rules again. "What are they taking this as? A joke?!" Keiichi shouted as everyone stayed silent, no one wanted to say anything. "At least we know there're things we're allowed and not allowed to do now." Minoru shrugged before reviewing the Monopad. "And that this thing is called a Monopad...?" Rin half-questioned. "Why are you guys being so calm?! We should be worried! A weird bear just told us to kill each other!" Scotty pointed out. "But... I wonder... If we do nothing, then it would be alright... right?" Riko said quietly as she looked around the room.

"That could be correct... but..." Dallan seems like to speak for the first time, it doesn't seems like he have much comments about killing games or something. "But what? Learn how to complete your sentence, dude." Scotty sighed as Dallan shrugs. "I don't know, will Monokuma allow us to do that? If we doesn't do anything, is he going to force us? He isn't the type to leave something be." The puzzler said as everyone fell into silence. "Now is not the time to think like that, let's see if we do nothing, will Monokuma let us be." Cara sighed.

"B-But what about food, water, or s-supplies?" Hisoka asked, looking around paranoid. "If Monokuma wanted us to kill, I don't think he'd be doing something that would make us all die." Cara responded, looking around a bit. "You guys say like that... You really think that none of us would get bored and eventually killing each other? You know, some of us still have families or friends or home to return to! So I think it would be better to just kill! It's still fun to see, am I right?~" Ichiro smiled as he said so. "Seriously?! If anyone were the first one to die, it would be you! Commoner!" Hitomi shouted and pointed at Ichiro.

"Who are you saying commoner, peasant?" The unknown talent guy asked as he smirked to the angered female. "Seriously, learn how to shut your fucking mouth!" Hitomi shouted again. "Guys! Stop fighting please! We will never sort it out if we're gonna keep fighting!" Selinka said, trying to make the students stop fighting for a moment. "What? You expect me to wait until I grow old? Ha! Like I will ever do so. If you want, you can go do that alone in your own corner, tch, stupid." Hitomi huffed before walking off, leaving the gym. "W-Wait! Don't just go off alone like that!" Scotty shouted and chased after the blue-ish haired female.

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