Chapter 3: Part 3: Deadly Life

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Just like everyday, sun come down and up again, the daylight cycle continues as the 16- or should I say 12 surviving students left living on this island continuing their killing game, and just when they woke up, they already notice something unfamiliar on their wrist. The bracelet was no more, so this must means someone killed? 'I have to find the body...' They thought, walking over to the 3rd island and started searching the area. Finding everywhere, they found out that there was something lying on the ground...

Yep, it's a corpse... Or should I say, two corpses. They sighed a little before did a small investigation, didn't want anything like this to happen... How unfortunate then?


"Hey Selinka, um, if the bracelet is gone, does that mean someone killed?" Haruko questioned the designer as soon as she got out of her room. "Well, I hope not... But have you seen Ichiro? I haven't seen him this morning." Selinka asked as she looks around. "Oh! He's in the restaurant, we think that someone died, so we decided to have a meeting of some sort." The hairstylist said. "I see..."

The two of the girls then walked towards the restaurant, opening the door, there are some people didn't attend the 'meeting' but... Okay then. "Alright, should we split up? I dunno, that way we can find the bodies easier." Dallan asked and adjust his glasses. "It's pretty clear who died though." The guy said. "Yeah, I mean like, it's obvious it'd be them from the start anyways, so... I think it's better if we split into 3 teams, one search the 1st island, one search the 2nd island, and the last team would search the 3rd island!" Ichiro recommended and everyone only nodded, follow his idea.

"Well, I dunno, guess... me, Haruko, Dallan and Luke should search the third island, Scotty, Minoru, and Ichiro is second island... And final one is the rest, sounds good?" The designer questioned and everyone just nods, didn't really have any objections. "So... Let's go..." Haruko said shyly and the group of four started moving. The 3rd island is still normal like everyday, but... "There's something at the zip line!" Luke called out and point to a blood stain on the ground. Close to there not far... Was Rin. She's lying dead on the ground... But where's Hara? They were together right?

Ding dong. Bing bong

"A body has been discovered! Please gather at the zip line!"

"Is Hara the killer on this?" Dallan questioned, looking around to confirm his suspicion. I think her body has to be around here somewhere..." Selinka mumbled and started to find everything else. There's a trail of blood, leading to the zip line's end, maybe the culprit used this or something. And on the other side, another body was discovered... And it belongs to Hara's...

"Hey! We heard the announcement! Who's- Rin-?!" Scotty shouted as soon as he saw the body, panicked to see it. "Um... Yeah but..." Selinka pointed at another body, far away from Rin's, the people ran up to there to... Two more lives has been taken, poor souls, they must have been through a tough time. "Sooo... Guess Rin and Hara died." Ichiro shrugs. "How unfortunate..." Minoru sighs.

Ding dong. Bing bong

"A body has been discovered! Oh wow, two bodies at the same time! I guess it's for this motive exclusively only! Puhuhu!"

Hearing the stupid Monokuma bear laugh, they just wanna punch him, but then again, that's against the rules, and no one would even wanna risk their life for something like that. "We should begin our investigation." Cara recommended and starts to walk to Rin's body to begin her investigation time. "Sh-She's right..." Hisoka nervously said before walking away, finding evidences too.

"I guess..." Selinka kneed down to Rin's body, there's only a mark on the head to result in bleeding... and a mark on the neck, doesn't seems like by hands, something, maybe a rope was used to strangle her. "Is there any sorts pf rope nearby?" Selinka asked and looked around, but there wasn't any sign of anything. "The killer is weak, I presume, since they didn't use their bare hands, but used ropes." Minoru said and adjusted his glasses. "But... If this motive, two people are stuck together, then if we suspect one person, the other one have to be suspected too, right?" Haruko questioned and Selinka only nodded.

"I guess so... But it's also easy to cover up for the other person I guess... Anyways, what's next...?" Selinka think for a while and walked over to Hara's corpse, and kneed down her body. The body has a bump on her head, probably because of hitting her head too hard. Next to the body we have a rope, looking like something to strangle someone. "Maybe this was used to kill Rin... But why was it here instead though?" The designer asked and looked back to Hara's body. "Hey look! Some footprints were left in the mud!" Luke said and called everyone closer to the prints on the ground. Unfortunately, it was erased a little, so it's hard to see if the foots are big or small.

"It's heading to the zip line...?" Hisoka asked. "Maybe, yeah." Luke shrugged and kneed down to look closer at the footprints. "Well... At least now we know I guess..." Riko said slowly. "I don't think there's any other evidences... other than what we just found." Cara said and put her finger on her chin to think about it. "I don't think this would lead to any of us..." Scotty sighed in disappointment, wanting to get closer to the truth.


Ding dong. Bing bong

"Now it's that time of the day! Investigation time is over you bastards! Now move to the river area and let this class trial begin!" Monokuma announced, as we all know that everything, the history is about to repeat itself. Everyone then finally moved to the river and wait for the elevator to arrive. The 10 of them then got into the well known elevator and finally... The live or death class trial... Will begin soon enough...

And that moment where the door opens.
Is the moment where everyone knew they have to face the troubles they would be in..

No one here is innocent.
Just have to trust no one at all.

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