• Prologue #3 •

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The three of them turned around to see a male with a bit messy brown hair, also wearing a round glasses. "Oh! Another student! Nice to meet you!" Selinka chirped as soon as she saw him, and turned over to greet the new person. "Hm... This is a strange place, is it not? I hope that nothing would come out wrong if we're here." The brown haired male shrugged as Selinka just nods. "Yeah, I think that nothing would happen... I hope..." The girl pouted a bit before continuing. "Anyway, onto the introductions! I'm Selinka Desa, Ultimate Designer!" "I'm Rin Saeko, Ultimate Therapist..." Rin trailed off. "Th-The name is Hara Chihori... I-I'm the Ultimate Doll Maker..." Hara shyly introduced.

"Hm, alright, if you're willing to, I guess." He shrugged before proceed to introduce. "My name is Dallan Jones, and I'm the Ultimate Puzzler, which means I made best puzzles in the world, and maybe even impossible ones... do you want to try, Desa-san?" The male questioned as she shook her head slightly. "Well... I'm not that good with puzzles myself, so I'll pass." The blue haired girl said and Dallan only looked at the other two, only to receiving shaking heads from them. "That's a shame, but if you're up to it, then I'm always here, except..." He trailed off, seeming to never going to finish his sentence anyway. "Except... what?" Rin asked, gazing over at the male.

"Nothing. Well, I assume you haven't seen everywhere of this island yet?" "Yeah... We haven't... but we're going to, though." Selinka smiled again and the puzzler nodded his head. "I'll leave you to your own things then, I'll just patrol around again, seeing if I missed something... or puzzles to solve." Dallan then waved, and decides to leave, off to go downstairs. "Hm... Th-That was a bit weird... U-Um... Anyway, I have been wondering about... that..." Hara said as she pointed over to a machine that took place next to Selinka's dorm, it looks like a slot machine, or those Gacha machines to get random toys.

"It says... That it was broken though..." Rin pointed out and points over at the tape that was wrapped around the machine. "That sure is weird... well, I guess we can't really blame it, everything here seemed to be abandoned and wasn't taken care of anyway..." Selinka trailed off and gazed at the red machine. "U-Um... I think I'll go back downstairs now... y-you two haven't explored everywhere, s-so you can continue." Hara said quickly before going back downstairs, and now there's only Rin and Selinka again. "Don't tell me I have to climb the stairs..." The designer pouted a bit as Rin nods, you'll have to go anyway, so why not?" Rin shrugged before helping the girl to go up to the 3rd floor of the tree house, and around were 4 rooms again.

"Oh! I think that's my room!" The two girls then turned around to see a black haired female, which her hair was a bit curly and is dyed with many colors, she flinched at the 2 new students in front of her and immediately get nervous. "Oh... Um, I don't think I have seen you guys before?" The black haired female questions slightly and plays with her finger a bit. Selinka then smiled and introduced herself, so did Rin, like she was getting some motivation back, she smiled up a small smile as she introduces herself too. "My name is Haruko Saito, and I'm called the Ultimate Hair Stylist, nice to meet you." Haruko introduced.

"So, you do hair? That sounds so awesome! I would like to have so many hair styles, like short hair? No, I don't think it fits, or maybe just braiding would do!" Selinka started to talk about hair styles as Haruko nods at her statement. "I see, I think you'd look nice with... a bun, with braids hair band! And maybe a little bit of pair pins, yeah, that would look just perfect on y- oh, um... I'm rambling again, didn't I?" Haruko silenced down, the air sure is now different without an energetic kind of person. "No! I think it's cool to talk about your talent, I do that all the time so you don't have to be worried!" Selinka smiled.

"O-Oh, thank you though... haha..." Haruko nervously said, maybe she's just a lil bit shy, and sometimes opens up, maybe that could be it. "S-So, um... have you went everywhere of this place yet?" Haruko questioned as she looked away, doesn't really wants to make eye contact with anyone. "Hm... I still have more places to check though, wow, you guys are really quick with this stuff?" Selinka chuckled nervously and looked around the hall again. "So, there's the final floor upstairs... I'll go now!" The hair stylist excused herself and got down the staircase.

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