Chapter 4: Part 2: Deadly Life

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"Morning...?" Selinka woke up in a strange place. "You're dead?" One of them looked at her with shock on their face. "What...?"

"You're dead, aren't you?"


"I am dead. I am dead?"

She quickly turns around, meeting the light.

"I see... Did someone kill you?" Rin asked. "Someone... Killed me?" "I mean..." Hara came out behind Rin's back. "Oh, hey, I see that you have made it here." Dallan commented. "O-Oh hi Dallan!" Rin stutters, trying to hide her face. "I..."


A while of remembering, I finally realized. "I... Actually killed myself? I thought it was... I thought that was just sleeping potion so I drank it!" "No, that was poison, dummy, of course Monokuma would trick you, tho." Hitomi sighed.

"E-Eh? So..."

"Yeah, Nozomidiot didn't kill me, she just, made me fall asleep."


"It... It's true... But... But I'm very sorry! I th-thought you were the mastermind!" Nozomi apologized as she bows down. "Then... Then who actually killed Hitomi?!" Selinka shouted in confusion. "Oh, of course you commoner couldn't figure out. It was-"


Ding dong, bing bong!

The remaining students then gathered around the kitchen. "There are less of us now, aren't there?" Cara asked. "Well, where's Selinka and that uh, fancy guy?" Ichiro asked. "Minoru, you meant?... yeah, I haven't seen him..." "Does that mean he... He's dead?!" Luke panicked. "It was only yesterday, though... Is he..."

After a more while of waiting, there was no Minoru. "Welp, guess he's dead." Ichiro yawned. "Wh-What? It can't be!" Hisoka cried, obviously didn't wanna participate in another trial. "Wh-What about Selinka?" Haruko asks. "Isn't that obvious? She's already dead since yesterday, ever since we received the motive."

"Aren't we supposed to find her?!" Hisoka panics. "No... Not up to it, really." Ichiro said. "We'd have to participate in another trial. Just leave the corpse be." "That'd stink the whole island." Riko glares. "Ugh, fine! Whatever, just, go on." Ichiro rolls his eyes and the students begin to search for the corpse(s). "Let's start with her room."

When they made it to the tree house, stinks already flowing everywhere, all they heard is the smell of blood and rotten stuff. Opening the door to the room, they...

The room was filled with blood. Pink blood. All the blood stains were new. Selinka's head were seperated and being hung on the ceiling. Her body was on the ground, one hand holding a stitch (or needle i forgot), and Minoru's body came next, his neck were sliced while his eyes were still wide open.

Haruko collapsed to the ground as Hisoka panicky ran out off the tree house as the dead body announcement went on.

"What... The hell?!" Cara screamed, not believing in her eyes. A dea- no, two dead corpses, in front of their eyes. "That is super brutal." Ichiro said. "Anyways, it seems like both Minoru and Selinka just died. Look, the blood stains were new! And Minoru's hand was still moving."

"How could you be so calm..." Riko face palmed. "There's a note over there." Luke pointed to the floor, Cara came to pick it up.

Lies, everything were lies
Fabricated lies, fabricated crimes.

The first crime was made by —-
The killer's voices still echos

In my head
When I'm dead.

If all of us were the liars,
Who will be there to seek the truth?

(Dude don't comment on my terrible poetry (and grammars))

"That hand writing looks familiar." Ichiro said. "Is it? I'm pretty sure it's Selinka's." Riko said. "Looks like it..." The four (Hisoka is still vomiting somewhere probably, and Haruko is uh. Collapsed.) of them started to investigate the crime.

They found some traps where placed by the door, connecting to Selinka's head and arms, maybe when they open the door, it triggered her arms and head to- one to stab Minoru, and one to pull her head apart. They doesn't understand why Selinka has to make it this way, but maybe she was scared?

They also found a bottle of sleeping potion on the ground, maybe she drugged Minoru before that? Who knows.

"Time is almost over and we barely understand anything!" Cara whined. "Well... We know that Selinka has more percent of being the killer..." Riko said.

Ding dong, bing bong!

"I'll tell what I think at the trial, see you all there..." Riko said, finally they all left the crime scene and headed towards the class trial.


There was a major change of storyline, cause my mood swing and there's also a major motive change too. Death changed too.
The plot changed too.

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