Chapter 5: Part 1: False Accusations + Motive

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I think I spelled that right



"That was confusing..." Everyone gather at the restaurant like any other day. Eating breakfast, vibing or mourning over their dead friends. (The protagonist is dead tho, what did you expect. Just because of me getting all weirdly jealous I decided to kill my dear OC and-) Selinka is dead, along with Minoru, they didn't know who killed who... all they knew was one of them is the killer, definitely.


Maybe Selinka suicided and the mastermind just literally took advantage of that to kill Minoru -__- yeah that's what it is but the book still have chapter 5 smh.


The students nervously looked at each other, all of them didn't wanna get killed. "So... We got enough people here, right? Isn't Monokuma supposed to show up?" Riko asked. "You got used to this...? Hisoka asked. "We lived everyday like this though..." Luke said. "Puhuhu! I tried my best to come in time, believe me! Anyways! The motive for today is!" Somewhere from afar a drumroll sound started.

"Oh! There's a traitor among you all! Puhuhu~ I know this motive isn't much, but you know, you gotta be careful for the traitor, they can easily frame you when you didn't do anything, better kill, kill, kill! Them first!" "Why'd you have to repeat the kill's..." Haruko said. "Whatever, you bastards better kill before I get mad!" Before Luke could say anything, Monokuma already left. "Oh... I was going to ask him about the islands..." Luke sighs.

"I guess we're never going to see it..."

"One of us is the traitor..." Cara said. "That works for the mastermind..." Riko continues. "Could it be a d-dead person?!" Haruko panicked. "Maybe." Ichiro replies. "I'm sleepy." Luke yawned and walks out of the restaurant. "..." "Did he juSt-" "Anyways, let's just look out for whoever is on this island or staying in crowded groups or so." Cara gave out her opinion as Ichiro rolls his eyes. "Seriously? It's more fun being alone, so anyone could be the culprit's target! That way, it wouldn't be as lame."

"Ugh, whatever." Cara walked off and decides to go to her room. It's been a while since anyone spoken anything, no one wanted to talk to each other, following days no one talked... And no deaths, either.

"Jeez! It's getting boring! If you wanna live, then I order you to kill someone! Or I'll kill everyone at a time, puhuhu..." Monokuma chuckles. "..." Everyone didn't say anything. "Jeez, y'll boring. Whatever." The bear growled and left the room. "He's right, it's getting boring, you know?"


"Boring for you... Ugh, you are annoying. None of us wanted to kill." Luke said. "What do you know about me to say? Ha! Whatever you peasants say, I'll just go to my room, nerd." Ichiro walked out of the restaurant. "I don't get what's wrong with him." Riko sighs. "... Yeah." Cara followed. "I-I mean... If we don't kill then everyone will die?" Haruko spoke up. "... I don't think that anyone would kill..." Hisoka mumbles. "Ugh! Just! Go back to your dorm!" Cara growled and stood up, getting out from the restaurant.

"I'm just saying..."

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