Brown Eyes.

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"Paint anything that interests you."

That was your work for today. And so you did.

Blond tuff of hair.

Half lidded brown eyes.

Sharp jawline.

Straight nose.

Scruffy beard.

Full lips.

You executed all these as perfectly as you could while painting your gorgeous art teacher.

But something was missing.

Ahh! It was his glasses.

Holding the brush in your hand, you delicately grazed the acrylic on the canvas to paint his glasses on the bridge of his nose.


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You applauded to yourself as you fawned over your work again.

"Is this supposed to be me, yoi?" Hearing a chuckle coming from behind you, you looked over your shoulder to meet brown irises.

You smiled innocently at him. "You said anything that interested me."

"I didn't know I interested you, yoi" He smirked.

"Well now you do, sir." You replied confidently.


You opened your eyes to your blank ceiling. The morning light seeped through the small gap in between the blackout curtains in your room.

Time to get ready for work.

After finishing your daily morning routine in the bathroom, you made a beeline towards your kitchen to make your coffee to kickstart the day. Scrolling through social media, you waited for your coffee to be done.

Pouring hot coffee in your favorite mug after it was done, you sat down on the kitchen island to enjoy it.

Life is never easy. It has its up's and down's. It gives more than it takes. It sends blessings in disguises. It maybe the happiest you ever feel one day and the saddest the next. Life is unpredictable. And that unpredictability is what you're afraid of. You didn't want any changes in your life. You were fine the way you were. You were fine...

𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐬 • Marco X Reader Where stories live. Discover now