An Empty Black Hole.

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It had been a week since you overheard Marco and Thatch speaking in the classroom. You were avoiding Marco at all costs. Sometimes even skipping his period and even stopped going over at Newgate's place.

"It has come to my attention that you have been skipping some lessons, yes?" The school principal, Sengoku, spoke to you in a soft voice, the one you use to scold a small child when they misbehave.

You nod your head while averting your eyes.

"(F/n)," His voice grew a tad bit more stern. "You're an excellent student. I'd hate to see you go like this. Therefore if I see another skipped lesson on your record with no valid reason," you felt him narrow his eyes on you. "There will be consequences, yes?"

"I understand." Words left your mouth in an almost whisper. Had you spoken a volume lower, Sengoku wouldn't have heard it.

"Good! Now, would you fancy some rice cracker bits?"

After politely saying 'no' to your principal's offered snack, you dreadfully made your way to art with Marco. It's been a week since you hadn't seen him and usually you'd go to school just for art period. So what if you were a little sick? You'd go just to see a handsome pineapple.

Not anymore of course.

Entering the classroom, you saw Mia and Zoro, as soon as they saw you, Mia lit up immediately and Zoro gave you a nod to greet you. "(F/n)!" The silver haired girl pulled you by hand when you were close enough to make you sit on the chair next to hers.

"Wha-- hey! Don't manhandle me like that!"


"The fuck is 'meh'."

"It means what it means. Meh."

Zoro looks at you, to Mia. And then Mia, to you. "What's wrong with you both?"

"Oh shush mossy, we all know you simp for S--" you got cut off when a very red faced Zoro slammed his hands on the table.

"AAAGGGH FUCK NO!"  Zoro wasn't one to lose his cool. But when he does.... It's often quite dramatic.

"Roronoa," you froze up when you heard that voice from the front of the classroom. "Mind your language, yoi."

"Tch." He glared at you with a pout on his face.

Mia didn't move her gaze from you when you didn't lift your eyes from your sketchbook. "Hey," she whispered softly only for you to hear.

"It's fine." You mumbled before opening  it.

"(F/n)," he was standing beside your table. "You've been missing an awful lot of my classes." He chuckled. "I hope you're not avoiding me." His chuckles grew quiet when you don't say anything.

"It's nothing Mr. Marco. If you don't mind I'd like to get back to my work." You bit your tongue before you said anything else. You didn't wanna hurt Marco because what he said was supposed to be in between him and Thatch. Surely he has no intention to hurt you so you shouldn't hurt him or disrespect him as your teacher.

You heard Marco clear his throat but you still didn't look anywhere but the blank page of your sketchbook. "I see," he started to walk away, "I'll leave you be then." With the class talking all at once, they didn't notice your interaction with Marco but your best friend and Zoro certainly did.

And those were the last things you had ever said to him.


Opening your eyes to your familiar ceiling, you laid there lazily drifting in and out of sleep until you decided it was time to get up. You had work at the shop today after all.

You didn't waste anytime deciding on your outfit so you just decided to go with thermal leggings and an oversized sweater that fell over on one shoulder.

Grabbing your coat, keys and purse, you slipped into your boots. Opening the front door, you expected an autumn gust to brush your face but instead, you were met with a broad chest.

You raised your eyes to see Marco's soft smile. Immediately, you averted your eyes to the side. A fluttery feeling bloomed in your chest when you heard a chuckle. "I was just about to ring the doorbell, yoi."

You cleared your throat before looking up at him again. "Uh, yes. Can I help you?" You flashed him a nervous smile.

"Ah," he stepped away from you when he realized he was standing a bit too close. "I'm sure Ace mentioned a Halloween party at ours?"

You frowned thoughtfully before slowly nodding. "Yeah, why?"

"I was just wondering if this time you were coming or not." He rubbed the back of his neck as he looked down at you.

You held back a soft chuckle.

He came just to tell me that?

"I'll be coming over this time, I still need to see Pops."

"Yeah he's not doing so well these days, yoi. I'm sure he'll be happy to see ya."

Maybe things could get better between me and Marco.

A soft smile graced your lips at the thought.

"If you don't mind uh," he started. "Could we exchange our numbers? I mean we live next to each other and most probably we're also gonna work together--"

"It's fine." You said quickly before he could give you anymore reasoning.

After you exchanged your numbers, you felt a familiar warmth in your chest.

"I should probably get going," you said checking the time.

Marco stepped aside to let you pass with a nervous chuckle. "Yes of course."

When you made your way to your car, Marco spoke again. "Oh, I didn't know you still drove." He said casually.


"Excuse me?" Your brows furrowed involuntarily as you narrowed your eyes on him.

He gave you a confused look before it contorted into a look of absolute horror. "Oh no-- that's not what--"

"Oh are you so surprised about the fact that I still drive?" You felt anger boiling inside you. "I don't know why I thought you were ever a nice guy. You're just fucking insensitive." You huffed quietly as you got in the car and started it without looking back at Marco.

Your hands trembled violently against the steering wheel as you held your tears back. You didn't know what came over you. You just got triggered all of a sudden. The warmth in your heart left once again and left you with a cold and empty black hole.

Marco was still standing on the wet grass of your front lawn, baffled by what just happened. "What did I do?" With a confused huff, he ran a hand through his blonde hair.

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