Bold Green Numbers.

774 63 28

An awkward silence filled the air as you and Marco held your gaze with each other.

Memories flooded in and you felt tears stinging your eyes. His name escapes your lips in a soft whisper.

Snapped out of your trance, you lightly bit your inner cheek and blinked the tears away.

He let out a breathe he didn't know he was holding, his brown eyes once again scanning over your figure. "I sure as hell weren't expecting to see ya here, yoi. It's a pleasant surprise." He smiled at you warmly.

Just like how he always did.

"Uhh," You finally blinked your shock away. "Likewise."

You nearly face planted the door at your own response.

"(F/n)!" A certain silver blonde made her way to your porch steps but halted once she saw the man standing infront of your door.

"MARCO!!!!" She dove in for a hug, almost making the both of them tumble down together. "A little heads-up would've been nice!" She pushed him away as fast as she made contact with him.

You stood there baffled and she continued to scold him for a good minute before she slowly turned around to meet your gaze. "And you!"

Uh oh.

"I've called you multiple times and texted you even!" Her gaze filled with worry.

You blinked a couple of times, letting it sink in before you answered her. "Yeah my phone was on silent," you let your eyes travel to the blonde standing behind Mia. "I fell asleep right after coming home."

Mia sighed before turning to face the blonde again. "I'll fill her in. You should go back to yours, it's rude to leave the party as the one hosting it, aye?" She smiled and gave a little push to his shoulder, gesturing over to his house.

It was now you noticed the loud music playing and the small crowd on the front lawn next to yours. Led inside by Mia, she closed the door behind you and nibbled on her lower lip.

"You okay?" She asked softly.

You hummed, lost in thought as you made your way upstairs to your bedroom, knowing that Mia would follow behind you. "How come you didn't tell me Marco was the guy moving in next door?" You kept your voice as calm as you could.

She sat on your bed, crossing her legs together and grabbing a pillow that rested against the headboard. "To be fair, the moment I found out he was moving to this town, I rushed to call you of course..." She pouted when her phone rang. "It's Marco... He wants to know if I'm bringing you over to the house party."

You frowned.

You certainly wanted to see him, maybe even speak to him after seeing him in so long. But the tension between you both seemed unreal. And the only people that knew why it turned out that way was only you and Mia.

"You know I can't go." You spoke, your voice just above a whisper. "He doesn't even know the reason why I'm so weird around him now." You took a seat beside you friend.

She hummed thoughtfully, her face lit up. "Ya know," she started. "Maybe this is fate giving you a chance? I mean, he told me months ago that he's searching for a place away from the city. He didn't tell me he was moving here of course, and said it was a surprise. But he ended up moving right next to yours. How often does that happen right?"

You hesitated a little.

"Whaddaya say we drop by his house party and give him a warm welcome aye?"

"Alright then."

"I thought it was gonna take some more convincing but I'm glad you have up easily!" You couldn't help but smile at her weird chuckles. "Now let's get you some decent clothes!"

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