Black Rimmed Glasses.

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"How does it feel to be my brother's favorite student?" Ace nudged you, snickering like the gremlin he is.

You huffed when you saw all the expecting eyes looking at you around the cafeteria table. "Are you kidding me? I'm not his favorite student. I'm just the more responsible one in his class."

"Hey!" Mia pouted.

"I'd think Mr. Marco has a thing for because--" you waved Nami off before she could say anything more.

"I'm just responsible."

"Pfft-- yeah right. Tell that to Mr. shororororo in Chemistry." Mia snickered as your cheeks warmed up. "And didn't you paint him during class today too?"

You elbowed her in the ribs when she started cackling and glared at your friends around you who was laughing. Well, not Luffy because he has no idea what's going on and the poor boy was stuffing his face with everyone's food.

You sighed. "Art is my favorite subject okay. You guys tell me! Isn't History your favorite, Nami? Ace, Isn't Cookery yours? And Mia, isn't English yours?" They exchanged glances and finally looked at you guiltily. "What I'm saying is that we all have our favorite subjects and obviously we would wanna do better in it, right? The subject Mr. Marco teaches just happens to be my favorite."

You saw a small grin form on both Ace and Mia's faces.

"And who's your favorite teacher then, (F/n)?" Mia asked innocently, batting her eyelashes at you.

"It has to be Marco right?" Ace grins wider. "After all, he teaches your favorite subject."

"W-well," you stuttered a bit. "Well yeah, he's my favorite teacher."

"And is he nice to you?" Mia continued.


"And do you think he's attractive?" Ace snickered.

"Any girl could tell he is attrac--" you trail off when you saw Nami's eyes flickering behind you, gesturing you to look behind. "--tive.... He's standing right behind me isn't he?"

They all shook their heads at you slowly.

You breathe in and out to brace yourself before turning around to see Marco, as said before, standing right behind you.

"So I interest you, and now I'm also attractive, yoi?"

You heard a high-five behind you and you could most definitely tell it was Mia and Ace.

Oh how you wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out. The pain is real....


"You're also her favorite teacher Marco!" Luffy says with his mouth full with food, spitting some one you guys in the process. "Isn't that great?"

Your eyes went wide and the urge to slam your head repeatedly on the table, increased dramatically.

"It's an honor, don't worry." He gives you a smile.

On cue your heart goes haywire in your chest and a warm feeling bubbles inside you.

He pats your shoulder and heads towards the cafeteria door.

"Well that turned out a bit unexpected...." Mia pouted.

Ace gave you a sad puppy look on his face. "I was expecting you to blush more and maybe even roll on the floor due to embarassment."

𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐬 • Marco X Reader Where stories live. Discover now