Chapter 1: After (1)

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Author's Note:

This story writing style has been inspired/copied/adapted from LezBeDaisy   LezBeDaizy's "Something Beautiful," which, if you've not read that on Wattpad, I highly recommend you do that immediately after reading this. It's probably one of my all-time favorite MerAdd stories. Ever.

This story will eventually be Rated E for explicit. It's in the first-person perspective of the character listed in capital letters at the start of the chapter. You'll see, hopefully, this all makes sense. Let me know if it doesn't.



Lost & Found

Meredith Grey isn't the only one who lost her panties the night of the hospital prom. This is the story of when Derek Shepherd finds Addison Montgomery's panties in Meredith's prom dress.

Chapter 1: After (1)


I should have known he'd find her lost panties there and of course, he'd recognize them as hers anyway.

They'd been married for over ten years.

He'd have to be stupid not to know his own wife's underwear.

And Derek's not stupid, in fact, he's a brain surgeon.

If I hadn't get all hot-and-bothered about that I probably wouldn't be here right now in his trailer half-naked, now would I?

You see, I remember Addison having struggled to find hers after we-.

Well, let's just say I should have known that he'd find them there eventually.

I should have looked harder to find them myself first, but I got busy and lazy and maybe I just didn't care.

I should probably care now; Derek Christopher Shepherd is tearing me a new one and all I can hear over the ringing of my boyfriend's cries are the insults, for me, for her.

The ones about her hurt more than the ones about me.

Everyone already knew about me being a homewrecker twice over. The first time it was an accident. The second time it wasn't.

And now everybody knows about the third time I've been a homewrecker when I fucked two Doctor Shepherd's one after the other.

No one has asked me so far which one I liked better.

I'd tell them if they asked me, no problem.

It's just that simple.

But no one has asked me that yet, because only Derek knows so far other than of course Addison because she was there, and Derek still hasn't stopped screaming at me yet.

He has a point though, Derek does, kind of.

Just because his wife screwed his best friend and he screwed me as his mistress (again!) doesn't really give Addison and I the go-ahead to get naked together after the prom.

It's not like an eye-for-an-eye or tit-for-tat is a real game that doesn't end in severe blindness.

Or for Derek to have to end up imagining his current mistress and current wife screwing without him while not thinking about him at all.

Oh well, he'll get over it or he won't.

He's McDreamy, she's Mrs. McDreamy.

Though I imagine after all of this, Addison might not be a "Mrs." for very much longer, at least for a little while, after all.


Author's Note:

Inspired by "Not Funny," by indubitablyepic on LiveJournal. Seriously, go read that, it's in the inspired works on Ao3, or can be found by searching those things plus Meredith Grey/Addison Montgomery fanfiction.

These chapters will be all pretty short but hopefully numerous and quick to be published.

Let me know what you think so far!


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