Chapter 25: After (13)

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Author's Note:

Does anyone have any idea which song this fic is inspired by? If you guess before the final chapter, I'll gift you a Meredith/Addison one-shot of your prompting :).


Lost & Found

Meredith Grey isn't the only one who lost her panties the night of the hospital prom. This is the story of when Derek Shepherd finds Addison Montgomery's panties in Meredith's prom dress.

Chapter 25: After (13)


I don't want Addison to go yet.

It's getting later and later and I really don't want her to leave.

Objectively, I know she probably has to, because she doesn't live here, and she's still married, and she's not my girlfriend yet because we're waiting and all.

And I know all of this, and I know it's really for the best... But damn is it incredibly difficult to do the right thing here!

I cradle Addison in my arms while she breathes in deeply and I caress the side of her head.

It's too early to tell her I'm falling in love with her but I think that I already am.

This is torture in all of the best of ways and I can't help but flashback to our night together.

Addison in a prom dress. Addison in my bed at Cristina's secret apartment. Addison writhing in ecstasy...

I sigh again.

I'm trying to be quiet because Addison's fallen asleep and I don't want to wake her.

She looks so peaceful, the same way she looked when she fell asleep that night.

I stayed awake then, too, to see her face calm as the dreams overtook her.

Nothing compared to the way Addison seemed so unburdened and tranquil then.

It felt like a privilege to be in her presence for that.

Sometimes, I wonder if I look that serene in my slumber. It's possible, there's no doubt about that. I have a sudden urge to ask Addison this question, but I'm not going to wake her up from her nap right now just for that.

"Mm?" Addison stirs a bit and I rub her back gently to see if I can have her fall asleep again.

She looked so in need of a good rest... And of course, if she's fully conscious she'll probably say something like 'we should stop this,' or 'I have to go home,' or heaven-forbid 'I have to go back to Derek tonight'.

I empathize with her, really.

When I met her, I was the one who'd been going home to Derek Shepherd and she hated me for it.

Now I hate that she goes to him now, even if in all technicality she has every right to do this-.

It IS her home, after all. Even if she tells me she hates the trailer sometimes.

(It's inconvenient at times, I'll give her that one. Long ago before I ever met Addison, I'd been hanging out on the front steps of the trailer while Derek made breakfast and a squirrel stole the last few bites of my bagel. Seriously, it was incredibly rude of the squirrel!).

Now I laugh at the memory, and I realize that I started laughing again at this imagery.

"Mer?" Addison asks me, and now that it's a coherent word I can tell she's actually awake for good.

"Yeah?" I ask her in a calm tone, trying to take the pain out of my voice.

"What's so funny?" Addison smiles into this sentence, and I relax a little bit when the first thing she's said is not about letting go of me again.

It's not like I want to trap her here; that would be totally weird and odd and just... It's not like that.

I wouldn't want to keep her here if it wasn't out of her own free will.

She wants to stay too, though, or at least I think so because she seems to be curling up tighter into my arms, and I hear her mumble to massage her head a bit more.

"I was just thinking about the wildlife intercepting my breakfast at times," I chuckle and Addison chuckles as well.

"Yeah, so one time a squirrel ate my cereal," says Addison. "Milk and all. It wasn't even a fun kind of cereal, it was the bran bud kind with whole milk and the squirrel just slurped it right up," Addison adds to her story.

"Wow," I laugh, rather impressed.

Turns out we have even these little anecdotes in common with each other.

All of these little things are so sacred to me, now...

"I don't want you to go," I blurt out, because I don't, and it's so hard to think she might have to.

Even if it only is temporary.

"I could stay," Addison offers.

"You could stay," I repeat.

"I could stay, if you wanted me to stay. I mean, it's rude to invite oneself over so..." Addison trails off, and blushes a little and then I realize she just doesn't want to impose.

"Oh, yeah, you could stay, I just didn't want to pressure you. You're invited. I want you to stay," I tell her with a smile.

"Okay," says Addison, her whole face gleaming into a grin.

"Okay," I say as she nuzzles back into my body.

"I don't have any spare clothes," Addison blurts out again.

"I'm sure we'll find you something," I smile.

"I'm taller though," says Addison.

"Right, well, I'm sure something will work," I laugh.

Addison laughs along with me and I suddenly feel alright again.

"Are you sure you don't want to go back?" I ask Addison, and I know I'm asking her a deeper question than just 'back to the trailer tonight.'

I know I'm implicitly asking her 'are you sure you don't want to go back to Derek, as this is your last chance, while he's still your husband,' but I don't dare voice that aloud for fear that it cour be true.

"I'm sure," says Addison easily. "I just want to be anywhere with you," she adds and I melt.

"You have me right here," I say, and I can't resist pressing my lips to her temple and offering her a kiss goodnight.

"Thank you," says Addison, as she nods and yawns again.

"You're most welcome, darling," I say as I soothe her hair back and rock her to sleep again.

As I drift off to sleep myself, I wonder how long I have to wait until we could finally live together. Maybe here, who knows where, as long as I am there with her, Addison Forbes Montgomery.

****** END OF CHAPTER 25

Author's Note:

If you'd like to check out another site I've just been told about for fanfiction, especially if you read Portuguese and/or Spanish, Spirit Fanfiction has some Meddison fanfiction, too.

Here's a new profile, if anyone has any suggestions that would be helpful :D.



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