Same Old Lie

519 16 3

November 21st, 20XX
You slowly open your eyes to sunlight streaming in, blinding you slightly as you move in your bed, blinking heavy sleep from your eyes. You then hear your alarm clock already starting to sound, making you groan with annoyance at how annoyingly loud it is. You slowly sat up, turning off the alarm and standing up fron the bed. You wince and hold your shoulder, forgetting that you injured it after slamming into a locker at school.

You shake your head, walking to the bathroom and showering pretty quickly. You head back to your room and started getting ready, slicking back your H/L hair. You let out a sigh and look at your mirror, staring at the reflection staring back as you were dressed for somewhat chilly air. Fall. You check the time and quickly grab your bag, heading downstairs and eating a bit of toast, stuffing it in your mouth and quickly making your way to school, not bothering to check the house. You've always lived alone ever since your parents started working over seas.

You slowed down. Good, 30 minutes before school, maybe you can dodge THEM. THEY always made fun of you, calling you freak and other dirty names because of your ability. Your ability to create illusions. You sigh again at the thought and made your way inside, already gaining a headache from the bright lights. You walk to your locker, stuffing your backpack into it along with a book or two. You blink a few times, loneliness welling up in your chest as you had no one to talk to. No one to confide in, except. Your best friend, but you haven't talked to him in ages. You shook your head, grabbing your books as you calm down. You close the locker, before you were shoved backwards, hissing in pain as you somewhat hit the locker. Right, THEY found me. Josaline, Fredderick, and....and? It's just them. Odd, usually Lin would be with them, but you forget it as you were shoved again. "PFFFFFFT, what's up Dustbunny?~" Josaline teased with that stupid nickname and that stupid grin. Dustbunny, they called me. You remain silent as they stared down at you with greedy intent. Fredderick smirked "Hey Freak, didnt you hear her? What's up?" He said scornfully as he grabbed your hair tightly.He pulled it and you screamed slightly "Ow! Owowow!" You cry out. Josaline smirked "How's the tree Dustbunny?" Josaline said. You paused. How did she know about the tree, or what you call it, The Balance Tree? The tree with two different apples. Your safe place.THAT tree .They laughed at your expression as Josaline pulled out a silver lined book. Your Book. "How did you..."I trailed off. "Easy, you don't pay attention dustbunny~" she said. Fredderick shoved you down and started dragging you down the hall by you hair. You couldnt do anything but squirm and scream as other students laughed and moved out of the way for Fredderick to drag you.
I deserve it
You stood up slowly after you were dropped. You picked up your books and ran to the nearest empty bathroom after feeling tears prick at your eyes. You didnt want anyone to see you cry. You stare at the mirror, your hair messed up and tears threatening to take over. The emotion that welled up in your chest was overwhelming, making hard it to breathe. You slowly calmed yourself down.
They hate you
Nobody likes you
Shut up.
ThEy DiSpIsE yOu

You clutch your head and slowly calmed down, leaning on the wall. You manage to calm down just in time as you made your way out of the bathroom, head down. You just quickly tried to get to your class, getting shoved around and snickered at. Oh god. They tooks photos and videos. Crap. What am I gonna do now? You thought. You just walked into class, silent, hoping your internal panic fades away.

[Tem skip provided by author chan]

You quickly run out of class, hoping to get away. You slow down once outside, breathing heavily, trying to not panic. You started to walk, unaware that you're being followed. You notice the park being empty and perk up, smiling as you make your way to the secluded area. You stop. You heared footsteps. You turn around and see Josaline and Fredderick, but no sight of Lin. The part that made you panic is the fact she has a gun and was pointing it right at your chest. "I know you love the tree Dustbunny, so why dont you climb it and eat an apple, tree lover You'll see what you deserve~" she cooed, causing you to start trembling and shaking. You slowly turn around and walk, them following close as you feel the barrel of the gun poke my back. A shiver ran down your back, then came into view of the tree, trying to calm down. You hesitantly glanced at Josaline, who still had the gun pointed. I gulped and walked to the tree, my head spinning as you clamber up, Josaline and Fredderick talking quietly as they watch me. You hesitate, glancing at the apples, which reminded me of the endless night sky. You..gently reach out, hidden by the leaves as you pluck the apple from the branch. You didnt want to, but I also didnt want to di-
No. You dont care if you'd die. You're a freak that everyone hates. You're not supposed to be here. Y/N went quiet, placing the apple to your lips. Josaline and Fredderick were trying to watch, Josaline still holding the gun. You hesitate, opening my mouth to take a bite out of the apple. Crunch...

You shouldn't have done that.

Oh God.

Your chest.

It hurts like hell, making it hard to breathe as they drop the apple, unable to form words to call for help. Josaline and Fredderick got freaked out by the dropped apple and their choked out silence, quickly leaving them behind. Of course. Theyre getting dizzy from all the pain, all their insecurity, all of their internal anxiety bubbling up. They screamed in pain, it hurt. It was like someone stabbed them through their soul and was just ripping out all those bottles up emotions, tears pricking at theirs eyes, which stung. They close their eyes shut, leaning against the trunk of the tree for support so they wouldn't fall. They didnt mean to, they were forced, they didnt want this.
All they could think was:

I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I just know it. I'm not gonna be able to see him again. I'm not gonna be able to see my parents again.

You slowly spiraled into unconsciousness, or what you thought would be death as darkness enveloped your sight and senses, completely blinding you.

You open your eyes to a rather dark hallway, a doorway next to you, carved with intricate and well kept designs. You look in the doorway to see a group of...skeletons staring at...well, he didn't look like one, but was a skeleton covered in a black like substance that screamed bloody murder, the other skeletons weren't as scary as him. He was unsettling. You gasped silently, covering your mouth. The one on the throne spoke "Watch over the castle, I need to check something." He hissed through gritted teeth, melting into a black substance and disappearing. The room had gotten a bit warmer, you noticed. They broke apart, and headed your way to the door, chatting with confusion and interest. You flinched and quickly looked around, and when you turned around, one of them was in front of you holding a bloody axe. Their red eye burned as if looking into the eyes of a crazed and hungry wolf. You flinch backwards,but you didnt run. No. You didnt...

(So uh, my first fanfiction, yay! I'm gonna stop it here, if you want more, comment! Um, I'm nervous lol, Im just bored.

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