Deja Vu

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Nightmare's POV
I dont why but what pissed me off while watching over Y/N is that they keep dealing with everything as if it wasn't important, plus with them slicing their wrists. And what really pissed me off even more is when a certain boy decided to press his body against them and forcefully kiss them. It pissed me off. Those lips arent for him, so, I did what I'm good at. Striking fear as I smacked him with a tentacle, grinning at his now bleeding nose. Y/N seemed surprised but I shook it off as I paid attention to the kid who stood up, throwing a punch at my Y/N. I know I'm not supposed to mess with the affairs going on but what worried me is that Y/N's sleeves started to bleed. They quickly stood up and ran away, most likely to hide. I glance at the boy and tripped him, following close to Y/N, who was dealing with their bloodied hoodie and wrists. This hurt to see, bad memories coming back like a bullet to the head. I paused as Y/N raised their head and gasp, causing me to hide myself.
Y/N just shook their head and kept on with cleaning their wrists. They seem to have an idea and just completely left the school after setting up one of their illusions.
I just went back to the castle, sending off Killer with Horror to go on a mission.
It's weird that I have this weird voice in my head nagging me, as if to do something, to say something but I don't know what. It's at the tip of my non existent but probably existing tongue.

It took me a minute to even open my eyes in a rather dark and cold room, causing a shiver to run down my spine. Where am I? What am I doing here? I take in the features of the room, which turned out to be a rather nicely decorated hallway. A bit tacky, but still nice to look at. The colors werent eye bleeding and the pillars that supported the hallway has intricate designs carved into them. I decided to explore, seeing small tables that decorate the hallways that contained flowers. I didnt know them, but I feel like I shouldn't take a sniff from them. They were nice flowers though, with a nice dull purple colour and a trumpet like shape. I may have taken one, just in case. I feel like I know where to go, but I dont know how.
I've never been here...
. .
. . .
Have I?..

It took me a while to get used to the long hallways and rather well decorated items that littered around. Only downfall is that it smells horrible, and it's dark as hell. I'm not even sure anyone can live- wait. I trace back my steps as I stare up a huge door that I somehow passed while I was lost in my thoughts. Ehhhhhh, I feel like this is special for some reason and apparently I'm dead for some reason so why the hell not? I open the door slightly before opening it enough so I could slip through. I pause and unconsciously took a step back as the sight baffled me.
Skeletons sat on a table, one sitting on the throne, all intimidating and shit. Actually, he looks like a gooey octopus, ew. Wait. I know him from somewhere? I think?
I pause as they start to notice so I just blink and slowly say "Hi?.." I said. The Goopy Octopus skeleton seemed baffled, as if confused and startled, but it faded away quickly. A few of them just seemed plain happy. I start panicking and decided to take off my shoe and use it as a weapon. I saw a weird kid scare some of their friends with a shoe and apparently praising it so let's hope they get intimidated...
They didn't. Not even close, hell, one of em threw a knife at my shoe that pinned it at the door. And this is how I die. I just shove my hands in my pockets. "And this is where I die, yay." I say sarcastically. They seemed like maniacs, also because one had an axe and the other had a knife. I pause.
I can feel my knees buckling under me as I fall to my knees and hands; it's so hard to breathe. There's this weird pain in my chest and I cant feel much. I heard my name for some reason, which is odd because I dont know anyone. Then I hear it.
Its starting to come back rather quickly. I'm a lot stronger than I thought, because I unconsciously stood up, suddenly surrounded by the skeletons. I cant keep my head up, and I feel feverish, but with a bit of short breath.
"I...I" I manage to say.
I haven't been eating lately to the point where I can collapse at times, and luckily it's not usually at school. I feel dizzy as I feel my stomach caved in, my stomach turning and churning. I need to understand.
Everything is going black.
Why must I suffer?
What is going on?
Why do I know them? Their names are at the tip of my tongue..
Why do I feel so sick?

I manage to say something before everything finally went black, as I felt bony arms catch me.

Temskip by author chan

Y/N POV still
I felt weak as I manage to slowly open my Oh so heavy eyelids. I felt like throwing up, and when I gagged, I couldnt get anything out. I didnt have strength to sit up, so I just stayed there. I saw someone walk over and was surprised to see one of the skeletons from earlier. No, not just some skeleton, this is Dust. He was messing around with his scarf, kinda like how I do when I'm anxious. I cant speak so I stare at him, but I can't seem to concentrate on me as my sight keeps drifting away from him. He called for someone, I wasn't paying attention, before the black and white skeleton came in. Cross stood at the door way, before a few others came inside.
Its fuzzy, but I know them. I've read about them maybe? My attention kept drifting to the black skeleton named Nightmare. I kept feeling attracted to him, as I cant keep my gaze away from him.

He muttered something as i suddenly woke up in a new but bright room. It was white and bright, making me wince as I try to get used to it. I hear a beeping noise and finally realize where I am. I'm in a hospital room as a nurse walks over, asking me to lay down. Turns out I had collapsed by the tree and was really frail and weak at the time. My arms were bandaged, meaning they know of the cuts. Damn it. The nurse gave me a weak smile before walking off as a doctor came over with simple questions. He told me I might have a eating disorder, and some other mostly mental problems. I didnt concentrate as my thoughts kept trailing back to the teal eyed skeleton. I know who he is now. I was his proxy. No. I was a friend, maybe, to me I was a friend to him. He showed he did care. I nod to the doctor, and then I realize that I have to stay for a few days as I gain my strength and have to take nutrients to regain strength and my health to improve. I just sigh and lay down on my side, my mind starting to trail back. I'm kinda disappointed by the fact that atleast my parents couldnt come. They don't care. They're just doing their job of course.

I glance out the window and my mind went blank. I can always just jump out of it...
But, something in my mind is yelling at me to not do it...
I want Nightmare. I want him to tell me everything will be alright, or that I have to spar with Horror. Anything to hear his dark and heavy voice. It was always smooth in a way and it was calming. Please.
I dont want to be alone again. I cant feel my body shake as I breathe heavily, my eyes darting around the room as my thoughts ran through my head like a professional runner running 7 miles in a minute. I couldnt concentrate on one thought, as it would disappear to doubt. I paused as I felt a familiar ball of concentrated negativity, to raise my sighg to Nightmare right beside me, his hands on my shoulders. He seemed to be trying to calm me down by giving me a smile. I couldnt see him well from a blur of tears but I know I'm smiling slightly as I can feel my body relax.
"I wanna go home with you Nightmare." I manage to blurt out, and for some reason, I can feel my cheeks become heated. He merely gave a small smile,soft and gentle, which was a bit unlike him seeing as he's the king of nightnares. The only time I've ever seen him soft was when he was looking at a photo when I was sneaking around.

He gently scooped me up, causing me to feel a bit of nausea. He smiled at me kindly "I was planning on taking you anyway, that way you wake up back in my castle." He said, the world starting to shift and darken. I had gotten used to the bright hospital lights that I had to squint to see a bit. He merely placed me down on the bed I slept in and smiled. I couldnt stay awake much longer as I started to drift to sleep. It was a peaceful quiet and all I could feel was a cold yet comforting sensation on my head, and the words being whispered.
"I love you too much to let you forget me."
And then darkness.

Fatal Lies [Nightmare Sans x Reader] DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now