Beautiful Colors

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Slight angst and suicidal warning with a small breakdown.

It's already been a few months into the semester, and its literal hell. The school is as annoying as ever. The teachers dont do shit when the students become idiots and decide to pick on another. I dont know why I even try to keep tolerating this, but I cant fight back because Josaline and Fredderick are stronger than me. My stomach growled but I ignored it as I walked to the bathroom. I had 20 minutes before class so I had time to do what always pleased me. I locked the bathroom door after making sure no one else was here.

I rolled up my sleeves and glanced at my wrists. 8 cuts each, small but deep. I always make sure to count how many cuts I do each, and make sure they don't start bleeding. I set my backpack down and rummage through it, taking out a small blade I took from a razor. I stood up and stood in front of the mirror, showing my wrist to the mirror as I stare at the blade. I start slicing at my skin, a beautiful wine red color pooling from the new cuts.
1 cut.

2 cuts.

3 cuts.

4 cuts.

This went on for both arms, but it seems that I spaced out and did more than I should have. At this point, it didnt even hurt. But it was always fascinating to see the blood pooling out from my own cuts, causing my skin to stain slightly as I stared at my bleeding cuts. Soon enough, my wrist was covered in blood, and so, I washed my wrists, wrapping a small cloth around it and making sure it doesnt bleed again. I soon washed the blade and set it in my bag, sighing as I stare at the fresh cuts. I felt....dull. I roll down my sleeves, covering my wrists.

I check the time. I guess I didnt take you long because I have 12 minutes before class starts, so I make my way out of the bathroom, head down and glancing at my feet. Jesus, I really need to get new shoes, these are getting worn. Sure, they were a strong orange once but now they're dirty and old, worn with a bit of age, despite having it for a year or so. I don't really care though, not a lot of people care.

I made my way to my worn and yellow locker,pausing, my hand halfway to the handle. Why did I stop? I'm not sure myself, felt strong. This overwhelming feeling that I'm being watched, like an owl glaring at its prey before striking. I couldnt move, and all I could do was struggle to breathe, my hand falling to my side. I turn around quickly afterwards, looking around frantically, half not hoping to find the source of this random feeling of...negativity? No, it's more dense, concentrated. It felt like it was a person I couldn't see, but I cant quite put my finger on it.
I didn't even realize someone heading my way before it was too late. I was pinned to my own locker by Fredderick, his hands on either side of me to prevent me from escaping, his legs blocking my only way to escape.
His dark green eyes stared down at me with malice and greed. I pause as he slammed his hand next to my head, causing me to freeze up. He spoke greedily "Josaline is sick today. Which means I have you to myself.." he said. His hands grabbed my wrists tightly before I could do anything. I wince. It hurts with my cuts but I just prayed they didnt bleed as he forcefully place his lips to mine. I struggled, but to no avail. He was stronger and bigger than me, and I didnt react fast enough to escape, so now I suffered.

What happened next was like a blur to me. One second I was being forcefully kissed by Fredderick, the next is that he's on the ground, staring up at me fearfully as if he encountered his worst fear. I dont remember doing anything though, but he spoke in a loud and shaky tone.
he yelled at me. I just pause, confused as I see his nose now bleeding.

What on earth happened?

I couldnt quite pin it, but the concentrated amount of negativity I felt earlier was here again. It seemed stronger, as if it was pissed off. The weird part was that I remember it, but I just shook it off as Fredderick stood up, raising a fist to punch. It was quick, the stinging sensation starting to grow after I fell to the ground with a heavy thud. I held my cheek gently, wincing before glancing at Fredderick. He seemed in that type of hysteria where you get pissed off at what scared you. Kinda like a gamer losing a horror game for the 100th time after almost succeeding in beating it.
I just slowly stood up, glancing up. I caught a flash of blue on the corner of my eyes, but I ignored it as I blocked a hit from Fredderick. I start to count. It's only been 5 minutes, so the bell wont save me. Great. I just, kinda, got tired and just let Fredderick fo his thing. After he suddenly stopped, I glanced up at him. He flinched, staring at me in a spooked manner.
"Arent you gonna continue? You usually do this until the bell rings."
I asked, not even realizing the red bleeding through my sleeves in a dark tone.
"Your fucking sleeves."
He said, making me glance down. Shit, I guess he made my cuts bleed. I stood up, wincing at the small beating Fredderick had given me. I just ran, hastily taking off my hoodie as blood trickled into my hands. Fuck fuck fuck. They wont stop bleeding. Fuck! Fuck! I'm so fucked if they call my parents!
I run to the mirror after running into the bathroom to hide again, glancing at the purple bruises glazing my face, mostly my cheek. It stung like hell but I just sigh as I bend over, washing my hands and wrists, hoping to stop them from bleeding. I pause.

I feel watched.

I raise my head slowly, looking into the mirror and pause. I swore I saw someone, but they disappeared. It's probably just me being dazed. Yeah, no one was here, plus no one can disappear like that apart from monsters in the children stories. I glance at my hoodie, its sleeves now dyed a red colour. Greaaaaaat.... oh wait. I have an idea to cover my cuts. I reach into my bags and take out a pair of gloves, since it was fall. I'm just glad my sleeves of my shirt reacher my elbows, so most of my cuts were covered. I wipe away tears that were threatening to slip out.
I rush out of the bathroom, the bell doing its ear deafening ring. I just dodge as many people I can, looking down. I stop. I dont have to stay if I just.....

Yeah, that worked. An illusion of myself to keep everyone busy, so I might as well make myself 'invisible'. I realize how much of an idiot I am. I could have done an illusion of Fredderick, but oh well, it's too late. I walk out of the school, feeling a bit saddened. I raise my hands over my head, walking down the street. I put in my earbuds, setting music on.

It only took me awhile to notice the fact I walked into the park, to where the secluded part is. Huh. I guess I've gone here so many times its just a habit of mine... I sigh and make my way through the trail, coming into view of the memorable tree I always enjoy. I decide to push my luck and start to climb the tree, sitting on the lowest branch I could find, sitting with the darker apples. I felt watched but it was more of a relaxed way? I slowly closed my eyes, starting to drift off into exhaustion. I guess from not getting enough sleep...

It only took me a minute to realize I'm no longer leaning on the tree.

(Jfc 1404 words- Anyways hey guys! Sooooo, you can guess who's been watching chu uwu. That would be the big bad goop octopus lol. I promise this will get somewhere soon-)

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