Julian - Childish

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y/n's POV:

You were on your way over to your lovely boyfriend Julian's house. Both of you had been occupied and rarely had enough time to see each other lately. So today, you both cleared your schedules and made plans to watch movies and cuddle for the remaining of the evening.

Finally, you arrived at his house and situated yourself into his driveway. You dressed in casual clothing; you wore Julian's worn-out grey sweatpants along with one of his Sweetea hoodies, and your hair was styled into a messy bun. Julian loved when you dressed comfortable around him; he always found it sexily intriguing.

You approached his front door and knocked softy. While you waited for someone to open the door, you scrolled along your Instagram timeline.

Abruptly, someone swung the door wide, completely throwing you off, "Hey y/n!" Bella—Julian's younger sister—shouted while embracing you into a comforting hug, "I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too Bella, I feel like it's been a minute since I've last seen you," You gladly returned her gesture, you both hugged each other deeply, "Where's your brother?" You questioned, breaking the bear hug.

"He's upstairs brushing his teeth for you, his breath was really stinky," She revealed proudly. You giggled, Bella always lightened the mood in any situation.

"Good, I don't want him having stinky breath around me," You commented jokingly. She smiled instantly; you truly saw her as a little sister.

"Come inside y/n," Bella pulled your right arm and nudged you inside the house. She led you to their organized living room. "Sit, I'll let Julian know you're here, don't leave!" She emphasized.

"Promise I won't!" You yelled as she disappeared, rushing up the stairs.

You sat on the grey couch patiently.

Bella soon emerged from the staircase with Julian trailing behind her. He also dressed casually, he mimicked your outfit as it was his garments you were in possession of.

Julian rewarded you with a sincere smile as he approached you, "Hey baby," He kissed you lightly while bringing you into his warm embrace. Quickly, he noticed you were wearing his clothes, "Shit, you look good with my clothes on y/n," He admired while slapping your behind.

You jolted forward against his figure, "I also look good with them off," You said wrapping your arms around his shoulders, knowing that it riled him up whenever you said something provocative in his presence.

His eyes grew astonished, "y/n, save that for later," He mumbled anxiously, as his sister was still nearby.

You shrugged off the incident and Julian offered to microwave some popcorn for the movies you were about to endure. Bella was going to join you both, of course you didn't mind, you loved having her around despite Julian's opposition to the idea.

"Let's watch Tangled!" Bella suggested, "It's my favorite movie."

"No Bella, y/n and I want to watch scary movies and you don't like watching those," Julian emerged from the kitchen with a bowl full of buttery popcorn, "Go upstairs and watch it on your TV."

Bella instantly pouted, "Please Julian," She begged, knowing it would have an effect on him immediately.

You nodded at him, further encouraging her stay, "Fine," He scoffed. With that, you all seated yourselves in front of the television and began playing her requested film.

During the movie, Bella snuggled herself amongst your right-hand side while Julian cuddled you on the other available side.

Randomly, halfway throughout the movie, Bella spoke, "y/n, did you know that Julian wants you to have his kids?" Julian nearly spat all the popcorn he had inserted into his mouth.

You laughed nervously, "Oh really?" You asked, glancing over at your shocked boyfriend, "What else did he say?"

"Bella stop!" Julian exclaimed, only making her snicker at her brothers startled response.

"He also said he wants you to marry him when you guys are old," She whispered into your ear. Julian was bright red; truly, you found it adorable.

"Aw babe," You held Julian's flushed face in your palms, "Did you really say all that?" You questioned. He nodded embarrassingly.

"Bella go upstairs, now," Julian demanded. Promptly, she complied with Julian's order while giggling as she went up the staircase.

You stared at him empathetically, "I'd love to experience all those things with you babe," You reassured him. His attention focused on your words, "Of course, I want us to take our time with our relationship but in the future I don't see what could hold us back from living those ideas."

He smiled weakly, "I wanted to be the one to tell you that at a more appropriate time," He sighed, "But then fucking Bella just says whatever goes through her head," He lifted his arm in the direction she last occupied.

You laughed sincerely, "Julian seriously, it's fine, I don't mind the thought of it at all," You confirmed, "I want to do all those things with you."

He smirked, "I want that with you too," He intertwined his hand with your own. Slowly, he snaked his strong hand behind your scalp and pushed you forward into a passionate kiss.

You both grazed your lips against one another's intensely, the passion between you was evident.

"Ew!" Bella screamed in disgust. Julian pulled away and palmed his hand against his forehead.

"Bella leave!" He yelled, she departed once again up the stairs.

You glanced over at your frustrated boyfriend, he ran his fingers threw his hair forcefully, "She's so damn childish I swear."

With that, you pecked his cheek and continued watching movies and cuddled for the rest of the night.


Hope y'all enjoyed this cute short story.
Promise i'll try to be more consistent.
Q: What's your favorite Sweetea moment?
(Also, thank you so much for 1k reads! Keep voting y'all)

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