Part 7

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Roman's P.O.V
It's been a month since the spider incident and we are now starting to have family meetings when Virgil asleep. I started to watch over him while he was sleeping because I had to make a excuse to not go to the meetings. But, that eventually had to changed...

Thomas' P.O.V
Virgil had started to grow 3 timers bigger every 2 days. Logan said that since Virgil was the age of a 3-year-old, he should be around his actual age by- "TIMAS!" I heard Virgil yell. I looked around for him but couldn't find him.
Till, I looked up to see he was cuddling with a plush cat and what looked like, glued to the wall! "Roman, Remus, Janus, Patton, and Logan get in here!" I yelled having my voice say that I'm confused, nervous, and scared. But, Virgil was, too. We need to get him down!

*Hello fellow readers! I hoped you enjoyed this short version of this chapter and I'm sorry for not publishing like I said I would, but I have a very good reason. I have other jobs to do and I've been spending time with family. Anyways, which one looked better?

 Anyways, which one looked better?

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(Right: My Morality & Left: Me)

(Right: My Morality & Left: Me)

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(My Morality being herself.)

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