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Sometime later Zuko and Sokka fortunately managed to find Suki and Hakoda. Having found the three prisoners, they needed to save they hatched a plan to escape the Boiling Rock.

"We have a new plan," Sokka whispered as he punched the rolled-up mattress, Zuko grunting as if in pain whenever he struck, "But it's gonna need a big distraction. Be in the yard in one hour." The door suddenly began to open and Sokka lunged forward, grabbing Zuko's head in a chokehold and forcing him to drop the mattress.

"Alright," The male guard grunted, pushing Sokka off the former prince, "That's enough."

Sokka watched as the two guards lead Zuko out of the cell before leaving himself.

"What are you doing?" Zuko demanded as the guards dragged him down the hall and up several flights of stairs, "Where are you taking me?"

The guards didn't answer as they lead him to another room that was furnished with only a torture chair in the center of it. He grunted as he was shoved into the room, stumbling and landing on the chair. He turned to glare at the guards angrily, "I didn't do anything wrong!"

"Come on, Zuko." Zuko jumped and looked up in surprise at where Mai was leaning against the wall in a dark corner, her head bowed. He suddenly felt nauseous. She lifted her head and stepped into the light, dark amber eyes narrowed, "We all know that's a lie."

Zuko swallowed thickly, "Mai..."

"Sit down Zuko." Mai ordered as she rounded around him. Slowly and unsure he did as instructed and took a seat in the only chair in the room. His elbows rested on his knees and his head was bowed. "How did you know I was here?" He sighed.

"Because I know you so well." Mai replied flatly from where she was leaning against the wall to his right, her arms crossed over her chest.

"But..." Zuko looked over at her in confusion, "How?"

"The Warden's my uncle, you idiot." She replied, looking off to the side as Zuko groaned and rubbed his forehead, "The truth is, I guess I didn't know you at all." She reached into her sleeve and unrolled the letter Zuko had left her, "All I get is a letter." She flung her arm out to the side and snapped at him. 

Zuko looked away uncomfortably.

Mai cut him off with a scoff then she walked around behind him, holding the letter up and beginning to read from it, "'Dear Mai, I'm sorry that you have to find out this way, but I'm leaving. Thank you for being a friend.'"

"I heard what you did," Mai continued. "Stood up to your father, renounced to the throne. Why are you throwing your life away Zuko? For what? For her?!"Mai exclaimed with as much emotion as Zuko had ever heard her speak with in his life.

"Mai..." He ran his hands through his face in frustration as he sat up his back straightening a little. "This..." He trailed off. "Everything." He shook his head weakly. "It's-It's not."

"It's not what?"She snapped in frustration.

"This is greater than her. Greater than us." He explained in best of his ability. "This is about destiny Mai."

"Zuko," Mai began. "She's ruined your life. You can still come back home. Apologize to your father. Take the throne. You and her together? It just... it doesn't make sense. She's taken everything away from you."

Ironic. How ironic Mai's words were. If only Mai knew that he had been the one to take everything away from her. From her family. Her brother's raging words still stung when he thought of them.

"Because of you- I have lost my name, my future, my family, my sister! Everything!"

He shifted in his seat uncomfortably as he soaked in the guilt of the prisoner's words. It really was no wonder the girl from the colonies wanted nothing to do with him.

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