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It had been three days since the end of the One Hundred Year War.

Parts of the Fire Nation Capital had been burnt to ash during the sibling's conflict for the Nation's crown. Traditional red roofs had been turned into charcoal black and were missing walls and tiles.

Regardless of it all it was a beautiful morning and the Fire Nation people seemed eager to welcome their new Fire Lord and for the war in which they gained yet lost so much to be over.

Tsai stood on the Capital's entry docks, her arms crossed over her chest. Wind swaying her hair lightly. She held her arms lightly embracing the comfort of her recovered hidden blade gauntlets. Who would've thought Azula had kept them as some type of sick trophy all this time?

The warship approached and she stood with her back straight ready to welcome her guests into the nation. The ship docked and after several moments two figures emerged from behind a several escorts.

"Welcome to the Mainland- the Capital- I mean- the Fire Nation? I still can't get used to these terms." She said nervously holding the back of her neck awkwardly.

"Home will do," one of the emerging figures said dully.

"How do you jail birds feel?" She laughed nervously unsure of how to interact with Mai and Ty Lee.

She was taken aback when she was engulfed in a tight hug. She looked down at Ty Lee uncomfortably.

"Tsai, your aura is golden! Oh! It just makes me want to hug you!" The brunette cried out dramatically. "Yeah," the other dead panned. "It's because I'm the sun." She explained awkwardly slowly leeching her hands from around her.

"Is it true?" Mai asked, her pose mirroring Tsai's proper one. "About Azula?"

"Yeah..." She trailed off. "Physicians said she had some type of schizophrenic meltdown. She was also badly burnt. Most of the right side of her body suffered second to third degree burns." She paused for a brief moment and a shiver went up her spine as she remembered Azula's horrifying screeches. "She's been committed to a mental health ward where hopefully she'll get the help she needs." She offered the princess' ex-friends a small sad smile.

"And Fire Lord Ozai?" Ty Lee asked bringing a hand to her chin in a pensive pose.

"He's alive as well. Imprisoned. The Avatar succeeded and took his bending away, so he won't be able to hurt anyone any time soon." Her smiled widened slightly.

"That is not going to go well. I can assure you my father is not happy about that. I'm assuming yours won't be either." Mai sighed sounding irritated. "I wouldn't count on the Fire Lord to sit pretty and still on his cell..." She trailed of.

"Yeah," her tone lowered enough to match Mai's. From what she had heard Ba Sing Se had been taken back by the Earth Kingdom with the help of the White Lotus. The Fire Lord had been defeated by the Avatar and Yu Dao had been taken by her brother who was rumored to sit as the new Vice Royal Governor of the colony. "I'm still waiting to hear back from my brother. It sounds like things went... well as well as they could go."

It was then that a lightbulb went off in her head as she remembered something she had been pending.

"Speaking of-," She said reaching for a scroll she kept tucked in the back of her sash. "My brother asked me to give this to you Mai. I'd more than understand if you want nothing to do with it, or him." She rolled her eyes lightly and handed the girl the scroll just as she had promised.

Mai starred at the scroll with a dead expression that was first natured to her. She had no reaction to this. Man, she really was hard to read.
Ty Lee on the other hand bounced eagerly and snatched the scroll from her best friend's hand excitedly opening it, breaking the seal.

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