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~The cover is an edit but is not mine (creds to the owner)

~pics are not mine

~If you are under age read at your own risk

~This is only for fun plz don't take it seriously

~Sorry if there is any grammar mistakes/punctuation

~This fanfic also has profanities

~Requests are open!

~Feel free to comment your fav moment or something that made you laugh :D

~y/n style ;)

*sniff sniff*

You take a tissue and blow your nose. You are crying again because your boyfriend taehyung May have cheated again. You want to leave him but you love him so much that you can't. You saw him with another girl at a bar yesterday. The second you saw him you went home and cried. Even the day after the thought of him made you cry. You don't know how to tell him anything so you keep silent while you sulk on the floor

*An hour later*

While you are sitting on the couch still sulking about him, you feel a hand on your shoulder. You try and hide your face from the person that is behind you so they don't see you crying

Taehyung: "Are you ok?"
The second you hear him you get up and try to run to the bathroom but fail because taehyung grabbed you before you could leave
Taehyung: "Look at me."
Y/n: "no"
Taehyung: "I said look at me. Now"
You decided not to be stubborn and look up at him. His face went from tired to guilty
Taehyung: "Whats wrong baby?"
Y/n: "You won't understand"
Taehyung: "Yes I will if you tell me"

You got fed up of taehyungs bullshit again. He always says he will understand. Once you tell him he'll just have sympathy for you for 5 minutes and won't care after. You bite his arm and run for the door. You know he can run faster than you but he couldn't catch you because you locked him in the room. You run out of the house and down the street. It was dark and you were quivering with fear. You know you wanted to just lay in taehyungs arms but chose to run away. You start crying again. You just want to tell taehyung how you feel but you are afraid he won't care and he will breakup with you. After staying outside for 30 minutes it starts to rain and suddenly someone takes your arm and turns you around. It was taehyung. Taehyung picked you up in bridal style all the way back to the house in the rain without saying a word. He brought you to his bedroom and sat you on his bed.
Taehyung: "Answer me. What's wrong. What's hurting you"
Y/n: *sniff sniff* "W-well..."
Taehyung: "Say it"
Y/n: "I know you keep cheating o-on mm-me"
Taehyung: "What?"
Y/n: "I'm fed up with your bullshit don't even lie to me"
Taehyung: "when have I ever cheated on you??"
Y/n: "For example I saw you at the bar with another girl and also another girl at the park"
Taehyung: *Face palms* "Omg babgirl..."
Y/n: "You know it's true"
Taehyung: "Babygirl, those were my family members, we were meeting up in secret to plan my cousins wedding-"
Y/n: "Rr-really?"
Taehyung: "Yes. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you before"
Y/n: "I-its o-ok. I shouldn't have assumed like that, I'm going to go to the bathroom"

As taehyung wipes your tears you feel horrible for assuming that he was cheating on you. You felt uttermost regret even making a fit out of it. You go to the bathroom and come out. You go to taehyungs bedroom where all the lights are off except his led lights. Startled, taehyung wraps his arms around your waist and starts kissing your neck from behind
Taehyung: "Looks like someone has been a bad girl"
Y/n: "I didn't do anything-"
Taehyung: "You just assumed that I was cheating on you. You know what?"
Y/n: "what?"
Taehyung suddenly pushes you onto the bed and smashes his lips against yours. He starts to kiss your neck while leaving dark purple hickeys on your neck. You were surprised because taehyung had never been like this before. Taehyung rips your shirt and takes your bra off. He starts kissing your breasts while rubbing them in a circular motion. He gets off the bed and gets something from his nightstand. He strips off his clothes and I do the same. He comes back with handcuffs and a blindfold. You start to shake because you were a bit scared

Y/n: "Taehyung?, w-what are yy-you d-doing?"
Taehyung: "Shh babygirl, accept your punishment like a good girl."
Taehyung takes your panties off and throws them across the room. He grabs a condom and puts it over his hard dick. He blind folds you and handcuffs you to the bed. Seconds later he enters you without warning making you whimper
Y/n: "Ahh~"
Taehyung: "F-fuck babygirl y-you're so t-tight"
Taehyung thrusts at a slow pace so you can adjust to his size. With each thrust you feel him going deeper into to making you squirm and whimper
Y/n: "Babe, i-I'm gonna c-cum"
Taehyung: "No. y-you're not a-allowed to"
Hearing that you start to moan even louder. You wanted to touch Taehyung so bad but you couldn't.
Y/n: "Taehyung.. please l-let m-me touch y-you"
Taehyung agrees to uncuff you. When he did you grab his hair and moan loudly. Even after reaching your high he did not stop and after a while you started to tear up
Y/n: "Babyyyy, I-it hurtsss"
Taehyung: "Oh yeah it's going to hurt"
Y/n: "F-fuck d-daddy, fuck me harder"
Taehyung pulls out and takes off your blindfold
Taehyung: "On your knees. Now."
You get on your knees and start sucking his dick. He throws his head back and starts to moan uncontrollably
Taehyung: "Oh f-fuck y/n, I-I'm going to c-cum"
Y/n: "Yes daddy cum in my mouth"
As Taehyung came you licked every single bit of his cum leaving none left. You got up and he hugged you
Taehyung: "Lets get you all cleaned up"
While you both clean up he kisses you and tells you how much he loves you
Taehyung: "Babe if you thought this was the worst punishment you ever had try being a bad girl again and I promise you I won't let you walk for the next month"
Y/n: "I'm sorry I won't do it again"
Taehyung: "Good choice"

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