Bug Play~

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~⚠️TRIGGER WARNING⚠️: Contains sex, Imagery of sex, Sexual acts etc.
~If you are under age read at your own risk
~This is only for fun plz don't take it seriously
~Sorry if there is any grammar mistakes/punctuation
~This fanfic also has profanities
~Requests are open!
~Feel free to comment your fav moment
~y/n style ;)
As you swing your feet on the bed you were told to wait until your boyfriend Taehyung came home. He wanted to show you something badly, so you sat thinking what was so important he wanted to tell you.

Soon, you hear keys jiggling from the door. "Taehyunggggg?" You yell. "Yes baby?" He says walking into the bedroom with a huge box. "W-what is that?" "It's just a box of my collectibles" "collectibles?" You ask as you walk towards him trying to open the box. "No we can play with them later" he says as he puts the box down, pushing you away.

You pout and start to stomp towards the bed. Taehyung lets out a little laugh mocking you for your childish behavior. He sits down next to you rubbing your back but you push him away. "Baby whats wrong" "Why can't we play with your toys nowww"

"Cause I said no. You might get scared too". "IM NOT A BABY" "Sure you aren't" "If you say so..." you say pushing him off the bed. "Babe what the fu-" you giggle seeing him frustrated.

He hated being pushed around but you wanted to see what was in the box. He stands up with a cold harsh furious look on his face. "You dumb slut. You really couldn't wait?" "No I hate waiting now show me". As he walks over to the box, he suddenly stops. "Strip" he commands. "O-okay" you start to take off your shirt and pants throwing it across the room.

He stops again midway turning around, walking towards you. "What about the bo-" you stop as he grabs your bra strap and pulls you closer. "I'm going to fuck you so hard that you'll end up brainless like you already are. I said strip. What does that mean? Strip everything. Now you fucking whore."

As you nod aggressively in agreement to his order, you start to take off the last pieces of clothing on your body. Taehyung walks back to get the box. You watch him pull out 3 mini boxes. Carrying them, he sets them down on the table next to you. He picks up one of them, removing the green cover throwing it over his shoulder.

"Let me introduce you to my little friend" Taehyung chuckles. He reaches his hands into the box, pulling out a six legged creature. "Taehyung! You know I hate insects!" You start to cry. Ignoring you, he puts the furry insect on your thigh.

"Taehyung please take this spider off, please please please" You plead. "Your such a whiny slut. Shut up mutt" he says as he rams his 2 fingers into your heated pussy. Startling the spider, it starts to crawl up settling down on the left side of your breast. Taehyung adds another finger in, he curls his fingers inside you making you squirm and scream.

"Taehyung I'm close, please let me cum" "Hold it" taking his fingers out, he licks his fingers tasting your insides. He grabs the other boxes, opening them. He dumps the rest of the insects on you.

Crying, Taehyung shoves his fingers in your mouth making you taste yourself. "See how good you taste hm? Now cum for daddy" as you cum, the rest of the creatures run around your naked body. "Taehyung please get them off me. Please" you beg. "You look so beautiful like this you whore. Why would I want to stop?"

"My other friends are waiting for their playtime"

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