First Date~

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~The cover is an edit but is not mine (creds to the owner)

~pics are not mine

~If you are under age read at your own risk

~This is only for fun plz don't take it seriously

~Sorry if there is any grammar mistakes/punctuation

~This fanfic also has profanities

~Requests are open!

~Feel free to comment your fav moment or something that made you laugh :D

~y/n style ;)


Today was the day you that you have been waiting for. You were finally going on a date and it was time to get ready. "Do you need help picking out your dress?" Your roommate asks. "Yeah, can you help me?" As you both rush to the closet to pick out an outfit you realize you haven't showered yet. You quickly hop in the shower while your roommate is getting your outfit ready when you come out.

A few minutes later you come out of the shower, you  put your clothes on, do your skincare, and your makeup. Now that you are finished getting ready you put on your heels already at the front door waiting for your date to come and pick you up. You suddenly hear the doorbell ring.

You open the door and see your date holding a bouquet of flowers for you. "Ready to go?"
"Yes let's go". Your date Hobi takes your hand while you both walk down the stairs. He stops and says "You look so beautiful tonight" You start blushing uncontrollably.

"T-thank you, you look n-nice too" "Don't be nervous  I'm right here with you" his voice was calming so you believed every word he said. As you both get to the car he opens the door for you. He sits in his seat and you both head off to the place. 


You finally get to the place. Hobi gets out of the car and opens your car door. He takes your hand and kisses it. You both walk to the place where you ask for a table. While the waitress takes you to your table you look around the fancy restaurant. The restaurant looked so fancy and everything was clean. Hobi pulls out a chair for you. You sit down and he sits down in his chair.

While you both talk about your daily lives and random things, Hobi asks if you both can go outside by the fountain where nobody was there. You say yes. While you both head over to the fountain he looks into your eyes and says

"I think I've just met an angel" "Why is that" you ask. "Look at you. You're so beautiful. I love everything about you. You're the type of person who would make everyone laugh when your supposed to be serious. I feel so happy around you" "I do too"

He pushes you against a wall and puts his hand above you. He comes closer and gives you a kiss. "Will you be mine?" He asks you softly. "We'll see about that"

~The End~

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