Being Shy~

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~⚠️TRIGGER WARNING⚠️: Contains Sex, Imagery of sex, Sexual acts etc.
~If you are under age read at your own risk
~This is only for fun plz don't take it seriously
~Sorry if there is any grammar mistakes/punctuation
~This fanfic also has profanities
~Requests are open!
~Feel free to comment your fav moment
~y/n style ;)

As you hear knocking on the door you get up to go answer it. "Hey baby" "Hi? I thought you weren't coming today" "Well I wanted to see my angel so I came" letting your boyfriend yoongi in, he walks over to the couch while you get a bottle of water for him.

You both have recently started dating and you were very shy even though you knew he loved you, you still felt very shy around him.

You walk over to yoongi giving him his water bottle. "Baby come sit next to me" "No it's okay I'll sit over there" you say pointing to the chair across the room. "Why do you wanna sit so far? Come right next to me"

Giving in, you sit right next to him. He puts his hand around you making you nervous. You try to hide your face in embarrassment. "Babygirl come here don't be so shy" He says pulling you closer.

"Wanna watch a movie?" "N-no I have to cook dinner Yoongi" "I'll help then" you quickly get up and head over to the kitchen while yoongi follows you.

You start the stove and start cutting vegetables while waiting for the stove to heat up. Yoongi hugs you from behind grabbing your lower waist giving you kisses on your neck. "Baby you smell so good" "T-thank you" you say while trying to squirm out of his grip.

You put the knife down and suddenly yoongi turns you around facing him. "My angel why are you so shy?" "I- d-don't know" "Baby you know I love you and you can talk to me" "I know I just need some time to adjust" "I'll give you all the time you need cause you're my princess and I love you" he says giving you his warm smile.

"Let me help you baby" he says cutting up the rest of the vegetables. He takes your hand and kisses it. "Can I get a kiss angel?" You giggle and give him a kiss on the lips. "That's my princess"

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