Chapter 5

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4 months later

Dave was by me and we was chilling I was currently eating pickles and ice cream strawberry ice cream to be exact.

Dave was just staring at me with a mug on his face like damn why he staring at me .

" Why you staring at me like that " I said as I continue to eat my cravings I just have a craving for that.

" Cause you eating pickles and ice cream babe that's nasty " he said scrunching up his face.

" Babe I just craving it wait damn my period hasn't been on I need to go to Walmart " I said so I got up and slipped on my slides.

" Let's go then because I admit I didnt use no condom your pussy to good to use condoms " he said .

" just wow Dave now I may be pregnant with your child  but ok I dont mind being someone's mama" I said.

" You will be an amazing mother babe  anyhow baby " he said

" Thanks babe  but I need to get some pregnancy tests and make an appointment with my doctor " I said

So we left my house in his car and we went to walmart to get the tests and some groceries because I needed to stack up on groceries.


At Walmart

We arrived at Walmart and he parked  the car in the nearest parking spot so we got out and I grabbed a trolley as we entered the store.

I went to the meat isle and got pork , chicken wings , chicken quarters , boneless chicken.

I also got some bacon and other breakfast items I grabbed Turkey bacon for Dave and other Turkey products for him.

I got some beef and many other meats like ham I got shrimp and some fish fingers.

I got like four frozen pizzas , Tyson honey bbq chicken,  buffalo  and sweet and sour.

After that I went in the snack isles getting two doritos which was cool ranch and the sweet and spicy.

I got jalapeno cheddar cheetos and flaming hot as well and these chips was the big bags.

I got a big bag of gummy worms and gummy bears,  fruit roll ups,  skittles and m&ms , teddy grahams the honey ones , oreos and other junk food.

I went to the feminine side and got some makeup  and I got four pregnancy tests and then I got some other stuff I needed.

I went to self serve cashier and started scanning the items and packing them Dave was behind me .

Once everything was scanned and packed I turn to get my card and I heard a swipe and the receipt printing.

Dave paid for the stuff so we placed the bags and stuff in the back trunk after everything was there he closed the trunk.

I got in the passenger seat and he got the driver's side and he pulled out and we were on our way back to my house.

We pulled up at my house and we got out and went and got the bags out the drunk I unlocked the door and he rest the bags on the floor and went to get the rest.

While he was getting the rest of the bags I started unpacking the stuff placing the snacks in the pantry.

The meats were placed in the freezer I kept the chicken out so I can season it to cook it.

I put the rest of the stuff up then I took the pregnancy tests and went in the guest bathroom downstairs I grab a bottle of water.

I drank some water and then I grabbed all the test opening them I pulled my shorts and panties down I peed in a cup I got from the kitchen.

I dipped each test and sat th down and waited for three minutes while i was waiting for the results I three the pee in the toilet and flushed it.

I had the timer on my phone so while waiting I seasoned the chicken and I fried it and I cooked some mac and cheese with green beans .

Before I could take up our plates the time beeped so I went in the bathroom and all the tests were positive.

The tests

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The tests

After finding out that I'm pregnant I decided to go plate the food so we can eat dinner if he staying over and tell him the good news.

I called my doctor and made an appointment for tomorrow to confirm that I'm pregnant.

I placed our plates on the dining table and he came in and sat down next to me I got him a coke and water for me to drink.

We started eating and i didnt know how i was going to tell him that I'm pregnant with his baby.

" Dave we need to talk I need to tell you something and it will change our lives" I said.

" Babe I know your pregnant that craving you had which is nasty by the way and also I didnt use protection when we had sex " he said.

" Well your right and I can't help it if I'm having those cravings babe and I'm not getting an abortion I don't believe in them " I said.

We continued to eat and talk and he seems very excited to have this baby I'm hoping for a girl or boy once he or she is healthy but I feel like I'm having a girl.

He stayed the night again and we went up to my room after eating dinner I changed out of my clothes and into a tank and thongs once I had a good bath.

Dave will make an amazing dad and im happy he is my man and the father of my unborn.


She is pregnant

She is hoping for a healthy baby

Team Girl


Team Boy

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By the way this book is climbing in reads thank you so much for reading this book.

Also check out my other series especially this particular book.

Being the daughter of a gospel artist Micah Stampley  check the first book out then the second continuation book then the third one which is the current book I'm updating.

Be sure to read my other books I have a few on hold.

Some are in the making well in my head

I'm thinking of doing a Roman Reigns love story

If you want me to do that book






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