Yesterday I took Kairi to her first appointment babygirl is starting to grow on me and with all the breastmilk she be drinking.
Today I'm just relaxing at home Tahlia suppose to come by she is 34 weeks pregnant in a few weeks she will be giving birth to her babygirl.
I heard Kairi start crying and Dave ass was knocked out on the side me like nigga you ain't hear your daughter crying.
" Dave wake up and go get her you ain't hear her crying " I said as I pushed him so he could go tend to his child.
" Babe you go get her she want some milk so go tend to her " said Dave.
I got out of bed and went to her nursery I got her out her crib and went to the changing table someone made a boo boo in her diaper.
I changed her diaper and I filled her tub up with warm water and I put her baby wash in it then I grabbed her towel and cloth.
I took her clothes off and placed her in the tub I washed her face first then I started to clean the rest of her body after that I rinsed her off and wrapped her in her towel.
After that I carried her back in the room and I dried her off and I got a clean diaper , some cream to put on her tush and the baby lotion.
I placed the diaper on her and placed some diaper rash cream on her tush then I sealed the diaper then I motioned her body up.
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Kairi outfit for today
Once she was dressed I took my boob out and she latched on this girl sucks the life out my breast.
After that I burped her then I carried her downstairs and placed her in the mama roo while I got started on breakfast.
" Why you showing my breast huh only person who supposed to see them is me " said Dave.
" I forgot to fix my shirt and these my boobs they on my body sweetie " I said.
As I got the items out to make breakfast so I got started on the pancakes then I did the eggs next then the bacon and sausage with hash browns, buttery biscuits and juice.
Tahlia came just in time she looked like she was ready to pop and plus she was having a baby girl so Kairi and her babygirl can be friends.
" Hey boo you look like you ready to have the baby hun Kairi soon have a best friend to play with " I said.
" Yeah I am about 39 weeks so the doctor said she is bond to come anytime so she may come today or tomorrow and I can't wait Ismran is so happy for her to come and I was thinking of having a get together after she is born well for her and Kairi " said Tahlia.
" Ok we can plan that for sure let me know when and I will plan and let me know a theme so I can get the place and all the decorations and every guess bring a gift for both babies" I said.