Chapter 15

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One month later

Kairi is now one month so today is my doctor's appointment with her and I also getting the clear to have sex again.

I got out of my bed and I went in the bathroom and did my daily hygiene then I dried off and slipped on my underwear.

Katrina attire

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Katrina attire

After getting dressed I went and got Kairi dressed then I packed her baby bag and I placed my wallet and stuff in her bag.

I got her strapped in her carrier and I grabbed her bag Dave said he would be here soon so we can go to the doctor because not only is today her appointment but I have an appointment with my OB/GYN as well to go on birth control.

I pulled out of my driveway and I was now on my way driveway I decided I would stop for breakfast and maybe Dave and I would get lunch.

I made sure babygirl had breastmilk in her bottle ready her I also brought a scarf in case I have to breastfeed her in public.

Me: Babe I am going to stop for breakfast and then I will go to the Doctor's office

Babe😍❤🍆: Ok baby

Me: See you at the Doctor's office babe

So I stopped for some Wendy's and I got me the bakery bliss croissant sandwich untold them sausage and bacon so they charged me extra so I paid for it.

I parked in their parking lot at the  Doctor's office after I got my breakfast and I ate my food once I was done I threw the trash away in the nearest garbage then I waited for Dave to come he finally came.

So he parked next to me and got out he opened the back door of my jeep by the way he got me it for my push present.

Her push present

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Her push present

When I saw it I was so happy yall and I really liked it and the interior of the car was all black.

He got Kairi out of the car and I grabbed her baby bag and we walked inside the doctor's office.

Today she gets her shots and also I go to my gynecologist after her appointment and i also go on birth control cause I'm not having any baby anytime soon maybe when Kairi is like five maybe.

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