I'm currently 20 weeks pregnant I'm still five months pregnant and I told Dave I'm five months he was so excited my stomach has a little pudge growing.
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How she looks at 20 weeks yall it's just how her stomach looks.
Today I had to go to the office i have six clients who wants me to plan their party .
I decided to wear a dress it was a black dress so I slipped some flats on and grabbed my purse.
I decided to put my weave in a ponytail making sure my edges was slicked down nice and neatly.
I grabbed my keys to my Mercedes Benz convertible and I walked out the house locking the door.
I got in my car and drove out of my driveway and towards the office stopping at Starbucks for a frappuccino and a banana nut muffin.
After getting my order and paying I drove off towards the office making it in three minutes.
I parked my car in my designated parking spot and got out pulling my covers on my car and locking my door.
I walked inside the building and was greeted by my receptionist and then I went up inside the elevator to my office.
I was meeting with some celebrities to do some events for them and I also was planning a party for Sadé birthday which is in 2 months.
I walked straight to my office and settled down before I had to go to go to the conference room.
" Sis you glowing you gotta spill the tea cause damn sis you glowing fr " said Tahlia.
" Yeah sis you are glowing for true that dick must be good for you to be glowing " said Sadé.
" Ok Dave is really good in bed and yall so damn nosey ugh yall get on my nerves " I said as I continued to eat my breakfast before my client comes.
I threw my trash away and went in the conference room to get things set up I had my laptop up and ready to have things ordered for her event.
" Good morning Ms. Mitchell your client is here to see you " said my receptionist.
" Good morning you can send her in and thank you " I said over the intercom.
So I had my assistant bring some water and refreshments for my clients.
" Good morning thank you for agreeing to meet with me I'm Keara and I want to do a pink and white party " she said.
" Good morning Keara I'm Katrina and it's no problem ok so where will the venue be and I will take care of everything you can pay all the installments now or pay bit by bit to my receptionist " I said.
" Ok and I will be having it in the Hilton Conference room and I want the food to be authentic soul food and the desserts should be pink and white because pink and white is the colors " she said.
I typed up everything she was saying I was able to get the dj booked for the event and I called my friend who caters and also I was able to get some bakeries to create the desserts for her event.
" Thank you using our services we willake sure your event is amazing and successful " I said.
I was now home eating some Pollo Tropical I was so hungry and I was craving it.
Dave was on his way by me I needed to tell him what the doctor told me so we can be on one accord through this pregnancy.
The door bell rang so I opened the door and Dave was on the other side I let him in and he kissed me passionately.
" Hey baby what the doctor say howany months are you and when is your next appointment babe " asked Dave.
" Hi babe the visit was good and I'm five months pregnant my appointment is next month and she gave me prenatal gummy vitamins and medication for the sickness " I said.
Dave came and picked me up and took me upstairs to my room we laid down in my bed he was rubbing stomach.
" I'm going to spoil my baby girl or boy " he said as he continued to rub my stomach I didn't want the baby to start kicking me.
We laid in the bed cuddling and watching tv love and basketball was on and it is one of my favorite movies.
After that I eventually feel asleep and Dave fell asleep after me.
I'm team girl all the way Dave may be team boy but I think I'm pregnant with a girl.
Katrina is team girl
And Dave is team boy
She hasn't told Tahlia and Sadé she is with child .