Today I turned 30 weeks Sunday passed and I'm still six months but I having a baby girl so I invided my best friends them to go shopping with me.
Tahlia and Sadé were on their way to my house because they don't know that I am 30 weeks pregnant with a baby girl.
I was currently getting ready so we can go shopping I needed to get some stuff for the baby and I need to do the baby nursery soon because I only have a few more months left until she is here.
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Her outfit not her
After puttting on my outfit I placed my jewelry onand grabbed my chanel bag and I went downstairs in the kitchen to look for something to eat.
As I was getting something to eat my doorbell started to ring so I walked out of the kitchen and went to the door and opened it.
" Hey boo how are you and you are glowing girl " I said as Tahlia walked in the door.
" Hey sis I should say the same thing to you hun " said Tahlia.
" Well I'm pregnant and I am having a baby girl currently 30 weeks along " I said.
" Oh my goodness congratulations well I'm pregnant too I'm 23 weeks pregnant bout to find out the gender soon " Tahlia said.
" That's great I hope it's a girl so she can play with my baby girl " I said.
" I am hoping for a girl plus I'm really am not doing a gender reveal " Tahlia said.
" I didn't do one either I told Dave I ould just tell my friends and my sister whenever the time was right to do so " I said.
" I agree with you besides this is both our first child so we can do a welcome for the babies when they get here"Tahlia said.
" Exactly and Dave probably told most of his friends already anyhow " I said .
" Yeah he told Imran already and I didn't know until I saw ypur stomach plus you glowing " Tahlia said.
" Sis your glowing too I feel like your having a girl for sure " I said just as the doorbell rang.
I went and opened it and Sade was at the door and my sister was behind her oh my goodness.
" I'm going to be a aunty oh my goodness sis I am so happy for you " said Kahlani.
" Oh my goodness sis when you get in town and yes you have a niece on the way " I said.
" I knew you was glowing all that time congratulations sis on the baby " said Sade.
" I came today I stopped by a few friends then came here is my room still the same sis and congratulations sis on the baby who is the lucky father " said Kahlani.
" Well the daddy is my boyfriend Dave East " I said.
" Wait as in Dave East the kingpin wow sis you got you a tough man " said Kahlani.
" Well yes sis and his righthands are dating Sade and Tahlia " I said.
" Do he got any brothers my age and where yall going cause yall sure is dreased up " said Kahlani.
" We are going shopping and I am trying to get some baby stuff since I will be soon having the baby " I said.
" Can I come cause I ain't got nothing to do classes and exams are over so school finished for me until the fall semester " said Kahlani.
" Sure yall ready to go cause I need tp gp shop for babu girl in my stomach and Dave ass wemt crazy for her she has shoes and she isn't here yet" I said.
We ended going in my range rover so I pulled out my driveway and went to the mall.
I pulled up in the parking lot and parked close to the entrance ya girl is preggo so she need that closeness.
I grabbed my purse and keys and got out with everyone we walked towards the mall entrance together.
" What store we going to first cause I was going in Children Place to find some cute little onesies for baby girl " I said.
" I will go with you Trina I need to find some little outfits and I told Imran tjqt it's a girl but he doesn't listen " said Tahlia.
" I might as well go some I can pick out some cute outfits for my niece anyhow my niece has to look cute at all times " said Kahlani.
We all went to thw store I got a cart and started to look in the newborn section I got her a few onesies then I got some bigger sizes because babies grow a lot.
I also got her some bows to put on her hair my baby girl has to look cute at all times.
I also got some cute dresses and the little thing you put over their diaper and I got more stuff.
I paid for everything for everything and I got my bags then Kahlani paid for her stuff and Tahlia paid for her stuff.
We walked out and went to Nike so I went in the baby section and got a few outfits for her and I got some matching outfits for me and Dave and the baby.
I got me some more slides and the new nike tennis for Dave and I got some for me then I paid for it.
I walked to gucci and got a few matching outfits for all of us and I paid for it then I was getting hungry so I walked to my car and placed the bags in my trunk and locked my car and I went back in the mall.
I went to sephora and got some more makeup and some new makeup brushes I paid for everything then grabbed the bags and walked out the store.
I went to fenty and I got a cart and bought some more makeup and I got some more stuff then I paid for them and she placed my stuff in the bag and I paid for it.
Then i got the bag from her and waited out the store and I went to the food court I was craving some chickfila.
I went and got me some waffle fries , the spicy surpreme chicken sandwich and twenty piece of nuggets with the polynesian sauce and a large strawberry lemonade.
I paid for it and waited for it and my number and they called my number and went and got number and sat down with my food and bags feom Fenty and sephora.
" Well bout time we was trying to figure out where you were I'm about to get some food " said Sade.
" Me too cause I am so hungry very hungry this baby making me so hungry very hungry " said Tahlia.
They went and got their food and came back Tahlia had chickfila as well Kahlani got subway and she got panda Express and Sadé got Charley's.
We all was sitting down eating having a good time after that we threw our trash away.
We ended up leaving and heading to my house they stayed a bit then left leaving me and Kahlani.
I put everything up I needed to start working on baby girl nursery before she comes.